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Effective July 2, indoor water-saving measures have eased. Outdoor Water Restrictions and fire ban remain in place. The city remains in a State of Local Emergency.

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Land Use Bylaw1P2007

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Division 2: Defined Uses

160 "Campground"
a means a use:
i where spaces are provided for temporary accommodation in recreational vehicles or tents;
ii that may include a building for the administration of the use;
iii that may include laundry facilities for the occupants of the use; and
iv that must be approved only on a parcel designated as a Direct Control District that specifically includes Campground as a use;
b is a use within the Direct Control Uses Group in Schedule A to this Bylaw;
c requires a minimum number of motor vehicle parking stalls based on a parking study required at the time of land use redesignation application; and
160.1 deleted
160.2 "Cannabis Facility"
a means a use where cannabis is grown, processed, packaged, tested, destroyed or stored;
b is a use within the General Industrial Group in Schedule A to this Bylaw;
c where a licence for all activities associated with cannabis growing, processing, packaging, testing, destruction or storage is issued by Health Canada;
d where an ancillary building or structure used for security purposes may be located on the parcel containing the use;
e must include equipment designed and intended to remove odours from the air where it is discharged from the facility as part of a ventilation system;
f must not be within 75.0 metres of a residential district measured from the building containing the use to the nearest property line of a parcel designated as a residential district;
g where a Cannabis Store may be approved as an ancillary use;
h where the development authority may require, as a condition of a development permit, a Public Utility and Waste Management Plan, completed by a qualified professional, that includes details on:
i the incineration of waste products and air borne emission, including smell;
ii the quantity and characteristics of liquid and waste material discharged by the facility; and
iii the method and location of collection and disposal of liquid and waste material;
i deleted
j does not require bicycle parking stalls — class 1; and
160.3 "Cannabis Store"
a means a use:
i where cannabis is sold for consumption off the premises;
ii where consumption of cannabis must not occur;
iii that may include the ancillary retail sale or rental of merchandise; and
iv where counselling on cannabis may be provided;
b is a use within the Sales Group in Schedule A to this Bylaw;
c where all cannabis that is offered for sale or sold must be from a federally approved and licenced facility;
d that has been licensed by the Alberta Government;
e in the C-N1 and C-N2 Districts, must only be located on a parcel with a front property line on a major street or a primary collector street;
f in all Districts, not including the C-R2, C-R3 and CR20-C20/R20 Districts, must not be located within 300.0 metres of any other Cannabis Store, when measured from the closest point of a Cannabis Store to the closest point of another Cannabis Store;
g in all Districts, not including the C-R2, C-R3 and CR20-C20/R20 Districts, must not:
i abut a Liquor Store;
ii if not for one or more intervening actual side setback areas, abut a Liquor Store; and
iii when located on the same parcel, if not for a vacant space between buildings, not including an internal road, abut a Liquor Store;
h in all Districts, must not be located within 100 metres of a parcel that does not have a School Authority — School located on it and is designated as a municipal and school reserve or school reserve on the certificate of title;
i in all commercial, industrial and mixed use districts, not including the C-R2, C-R3 and CR20-C20/R20 Districts, must not be located with 150.0 metres of a parcel that contains any of the following uses, when measured from the closest point of a Cannabis Store to the closest point of a parcel that contains any of them:
j deleted
k does not require bicycle parking stalls — class 1; and
161 "Car Wash — Multi Vehicle"
a means a use:
i where motor vehicles with a gross vehicle weight equal to or less than 4536 kilograms are washed; and
ii where more than one vehicle may be washed at one time;
b is a use within the Automotive Service Group in Schedule A to this Bylaw;
c must not have any vehicle exiting doors located within 23.0 metres of a residential district, when measured to the nearest property line of a parcel designated as a residential district;
d must provide at least five (5) vehicle stacking spaces for each wash bay entrance door;
e must provide a drying area in the form of one (1) motor vehicle parking stall for each vehicle that can be accommodated by a wash bay;
f where located within 23.0 metres of a residential district, must have any vacuum cleaners situated:
i within the building; or
ii within a screened enclosure that must be:
A deleted
B located where, in the opinion of the Development Authority, it is least likely to adversely affect neighbouring properties; and
C constructed of materials and to the standards required by the Development Authority; and
g deleted
162 "Car Wash — Single Vehicle"
a means a use:
i where motor vehicles with a gross vehicle weight equal to or less than 4536 kilograms are washed; and
ii that contains one wash bay, and this wash bay is only capable of washing one motor vehicle at a time;
b is a use within the Automotive Service Group in Schedule A to this Bylaw;
c must not have any vehicle exiting doors located within 23.0 metres of a residential district, when measured to the nearest property line of a parcel designated as a residential district;
d must provide at least two (2) vehicle stacking spaces for the wash bay entrance door;
e must provide a drying area in the form of a motor vehicle parking stall for the wash bay;
f where located within 23.0 metres of a residential district, must have any vacuum cleaners situated:
i within the building; or
ii within a screened enclosure that must be:
A deleted
B located where, in the opinion of the Development Authority, it is least likely to adversely affect neighbouring properties; and
C constructed of materials and to the standards required by the Development Authority; and
g deleted
163 "Catering Service — Major"
a means a use:
i where food is prepared, stored, and delivered for consumption off the premises without provision for pick-up by customers at the premises; and
ii where cooking equipment, refrigeration equipment and delivery vehicles are located within or outside of a building;
b is a use within the Eating and Drinking Group in Schedule A to this Bylaw; and
c deleted
164 "Catering Service — Minor"
a means a use:
i where food is prepared, stored, and delivered for consumption off the premises without provision for pick-up by customers at the premises;
ii that is entirely within a building; and
iii that may only have delivery vehicles that are necessary for the operation of the use;
b is a use within the Eating and Drinking Group in Schedule A to this Bylaw; and
c deleted 
165 "Child Care Service"
a means a use:
i where temporary care and supervision is provided to seven or more children:
A under the age of 13 years, or children of 13 or 14 years of age who, because of a special need, require child care; and
B for periods of less than 24 consecutive hours;
ii that may provide programming for the social, creative, educational and physical development of children; and
iii that includes day cares, pre-schools, kindergarten, out-of-school care, early childhood services and other programs where the primary purpose is the care of children;
b is a use within the Care and Health Group in Schedule A to this Bylaw;
c must have screening for any outdoor play areas;
d deleted
e requires a minimum of 1.0 pick-up and drop-off stalls per 10 children;
f does not require bicycle parking stalls — class 1; and
166 "Cinema"
a means a use where motion pictures are viewed by the public, but does not include an Adult Mini-Theatre;
b is a use within the Culture and Leisure Group in Schedule A to this Bylaw;
c must provide a sufficient area adjacent to outdoor entry doors for patrons to queue;
d deleted
e does not require bicycle parking stalls — class 1; and
167 "Columbarium"
a means a use:
i where urns containing the ashes of cremated human remains are kept; and
ii that will always be approved with another use;
b is a use within the Subordinate Use Group in Schedule A to this Bylaw;
c may be approved only in conjunction with a Cemetery, Crematorium, Funeral Home or Place of Worship — Large, Place of Worship — Medium, or Place of Worship — Small where they are a listed use in a District and where those uses have been approved; and 
d deleted
168 "Community Entrance Feature"
a means a use where a landscape attraction, monument or sign is displayed on a parcel that states the name of, or in some way identifies, a residential community;
b is a use within the Sign Group in Schedule A to this Bylaw;
c requires the owner of the parcel, on which it is located, to enter into an agreement for the maintenance of the parcel and the removal of the use at the discretion of the Development Authority;
d may have conditions placed on the development permit by the Development Authority relating to the location, size, design, copy, character, and number of Community Entrance Features allowed for a community;
e must be constructed of maintenance-free materials, wherever possible; and
f must not encroach upon utility rights-of-way or affect traffic safety.
169 "Community Recreation Facility"
a means a use:
i operated by, or on behalf of, an organization whose membership is voluntary and generally serves the residents of a specific neighbourhood with the purpose of:
A providing programs, public facilities or services;
B providing non-profit sporting, educational, social, recreational or other activities; or
C where members of the facility and the public participate in recreation and leisure activities; 
ii that has recreation space within a building;
iii that may have outdoor sports fields and equipment on the same parcel as the building;
iv where approved facilities are temporarily used to process and prepare locally-grown food with permission by, or on behalf of, the City;
v that may include local food sales; and
vi that include the temporary sale of whole food and locally made processed food, as well as food available for immediate consumption, as a community social activity;
b is a use within the Culture and Leisure Group in Schedule A to this Bylaw;
c deleted
d does not require bicycle parking stalls — class 1; and
170 "Computer Games Facility"
a means a use:
i where the Internet or computer games are provided for four or more customers; and
ii that is entirely within a building;
b is a use within the Culture and Leisure Group in Schedule A to this Bylaw;
c deleted
d does not require bicycle parking stalls — class 1; and
170.1 "Conference and Event Facility"
a means a use:
i that provides permanent facilities for meetings, seminars, conventions, weddings or other special events;
ii that may include banquet facilities including areas for food preparation; and
iii that does not include any use listed in the Eating and Drinking Group in Schedule A;
b is a use within the Culture and Leisure Group in Schedule A to this Bylaw;
c must not have any openings, except emergency exits, loading bay doors or non-opening windows, on a façade that faces a residential district or abuts a lane separating the parcel from a residential district, or a C-N1, C-N2, or C-COR1 District;
d must not have a public area greater than 75.0 square metres where the use shares a property line with, or is only separated by an intervening lane from a residential district, or a C-N1, C-N2, or C-COR1 District;
e deleted
f does not require bicycle parking stalls — class 1; and
170.2 "Contextual Semi-detached Dwelling"
a means a use where a building:
i contains two Dwelling Units located side by side and separated by a common party wall extending from foundation to roof;
ii may contain a Secondary Suite within a Dwelling Unit in a district where a Secondary Suite is a listed use and conforms with the rules of the district; and
iii meets all of the rules specified for the use in a district;
b is a use within the Residential Group in Schedule A to this Bylaw;
c requires a minimum of 2.0 motor vehicle parking stalls per Dwelling Unit; and
171 "Contextual Single Detached Dwelling"
a means a use where a building contains one Dwelling Unit that:
i meets all of the rules specified for the use in a district; and
ii may include a Secondary Suite in a district where a Secondary Suite is a listed use and conforms with the rules of the district;
b is a use within the Residential Group in Schedule A to this Bylaw;
c requires a minimum of 1.0 motor vehicle parking stalls per Dwelling Unit; and
172 deleted
173 deleted
174 "Convenience Food Store"
a means a use:
i where fresh and packaged food is sold;
ii where daily household necessities may be sold;
iii that is entirely within a building;
iv that has a maximum gross floor area of 465.0 square metres;
v that may display the items for sale within the use outside of a building a maximum distance of 6.0 metres from the public entrance of the use; and
vi that may include the preparation of food and non-alcoholic beverages for human consumption;
b is a use within the Sales Group in Schedule A to this Bylaw;
b.1 may have a maximum floor area of 7.5 square metres to accommodate a seating area;
c must not locate any outdoor display area in a required setback area, a parking area or on a sidewalk, if it impedes pedestrian movement;
d deleted
e does not require bicycle parking stalls — class 1; and
175 "Cottage Housing Cluster"
a means a use:
i that is a grouping of cottage buildings around an open space; and
ii where no Dwelling Unit is located wholly or partially above another Dwelling Unit;
b is a use within the Residential Group in Schedule A to this Bylaw;
c that has a minimum of four cottage buildings;
d that has a maximum of twelve cottage buildings;
e requires a minimum of 1.0 motor vehicle parking stalls per Dwelling Unit with a floor area equal to or greater than 45.0 square metres, not including areas covered by stairways;
f requires a minimum of 0.15 visitor parking stalls per Dwelling Unit; and
176 deleted
177 "Crematorium"
a means a use:
i where the deceased are incinerated and the ashes of the deceased are collected for interment; and
ii that may provide services such as the preparation of the deceased for burial, the organization and direction of funeral services, and the facilities for the purpose of viewing a body;
b is a use within the Infrastructure Group in Schedule A to this Bylaw;
c deleted
d does not require bicycle parking stalls — class 1; and
177.1 "Cultural Support"
a means a use:
i where support functions necessary for a cultural organization's day-to-day operations are provided and which may include, but is not limited to, administrative support, meeting rooms, storage, set production and rehearsal space;
ii where the primary cultural objective of the organization, which is intended for public viewing or sale, is not located in the same use area; and
iii that must only be located in a publicly accessible space that has been approved by a development permit as a 'Cultural Support Space' in accordance with incentive item 8.11 of the Incentive Density Table contained in Part 13 Division 3 of this Bylaw.
b is a use within the Culture and Leisure Group in Schedule A to this Bylaw;
c does not require motor vehicle parking stalls; and
178 "Custodial Care"
a means a use:
i where care, accommodation and on-site professional supervision is provided to one or more persons who have been required to reside full —time in the facility as part of a conditional or early release from a correctional institution or part of an open custody program; and
ii that has at least one staff person at the facility at all times;
b is a use within the Care and Health Group in Schedule A to this Bylaw;
c may have a maximum of 10 residents when located in a low density residential district;
d requires a minimum of 1.0 motor vehicle parking stalls per two (2) resident staff and additional motor vehicle parking stalls may be required based on the projected level of visits by non-resident staff and visitors; and
179 "Custodial Quarters"
a means a use:
i where living accommodation is provided primarily in an industrial district;
ii which will only be approved on a parcel where another use has been approved; and
iii where the occupant of the use performs a custodial or security function that is necessary for the operation of the use with which the Custodial Quarters is combined; 
b is a use within the Subordinate Use Group in Schedule A to this Bylaw; and
c deleted

DISCLAIMER: This version of Bylaw 1P2007 MUST NOT be relied upon; it is not an official version of the bylaw and may contain errors. The City of Calgary accepts no responsibility to persons relying solely on this information. Consult the Office of the City Clerk for an official version of the bylaw, if required. Please note that web pages are updated periodically.