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Land Use Bylaw1P2007

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General Landscaped Area Rules

550 1 Landscaped areas must be provided in accordance with a landscape plan approved by the Development Authority.
2 A landscape plan for the entire development must be submitted as part of each development permit application where changes are proposed to the building or parcel, and must show at least the following:
a the existing and proposed topography;
b the existing vegetation and indicate whether it is to be retained or removed;
c the layout of berms, open space systems, pedestrian circulation, retaining walls, screening, slope of the land, soft surfaced landscaped area and hard surfaced landscaped areas;
d the types, species, sizes and numbers of plant material and the types of hard surfaced landscaped areas;
e details of the irrigation system; and
f for landscaped areas with the Enhanced Landscaping Option, the following additional information must be provided:
i Latin and common names for all plant materials;
ii a plan that shows both the planting material size at time of planting and at time of maturity;
iii elevation plans for all landscaped areas showing plant material maturity; and
iv a report submitted by the applicant indicating how the landscape plan achieves the following:
A variation of planting materials, hard surface materials and decorative structures;
B provision of year-round visual interest;
C emphasis of entranceways and pedestrian pathways;
D location of planting materials and activity areas according to sunlight exposure and microclimate conditions;
E separation between public and private spaces; and
F provision of spaces for different purposes, including activity, seating, screening and buffering;
g for landscaped areas with the Low Water Landscaping Option details of the low water irrigation system, including extent of water delivery; and
h for landscaped areas with a building below, the following additional information must be provided:
i the location of underlying slabs and abutting walls;
ii cross-sections detailing the waterproofing membranes, protection board, insulation and drainage layer;
iii depths of the growing medium for each planting area;
iv the mature height and spread of all trees and shrubs; and
v the means of irrigating the planting areas.
3 The landscaped areas shown on the landscape plan approved by the Development Authority must be maintained on the parcel for so long as the development exists.
4 All landscaped areas, other than private amenity space, must be accessible to all residents of the development.
5 All soft surfaced landscaped area must be irrigated by an underground irrigation system, unless otherwise provided by a low water irrigation system.
6 Unless otherwise referenced in subsections (7) and (8), all areas of a parcel, except for those portions specifically required for motor vehicle access, motor vehicle parking stalls, loading stalls, garbage facilities, or any purpose allowed by the Development Authority, must be a landscaped area.
7 All setback areas adjacent to a street or another parcel, except for those portions specifically required for motor vehicle access, must be a landscaped area.
8 All setback areas adjacent to a lane, except for those portions specifically required for motor vehicle access, motor vehicle parking stalls, loading stalls or garbage facilities must be a landscaped area.
9 Amenity space must be included in the calculation of a landscaped area where such amenity space:
a is provided outdoors at grade; and

DISCLAIMER: This version of Bylaw 1P2007 MUST NOT be relied upon; it is not an official version of the bylaw and may contain errors. The City of Calgary accepts no responsibility to persons relying solely on this information. Consult the Office of the City Clerk for an official version of the bylaw, if required. Please note that web pages are updated periodically.