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Land Use Bylaw1P2007

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Division 3: Commercial Residential District (CR20-C20/R20) Incentive Density

Incentive Density Calculation Method

1332 1 The floor area ratio of the Commercial Residential District (CR20-C20/R20) may be increased in accordance with the incentive provisions of this Division to a maximum total of 20.0 floor area ratio.
2 The amount of additional gross floor area achieved by providing the requirements of the public amenity items in Table 8 are calculated as a floor area ratio, an Incentive Ratio or an Incentive Rate.
3 An Incentive Rate indicates that the amount of additional gross floor area will be calculated by dividing the cost of the provided public amenity item in Table 8, or the amount of contribution to a fund, by the respective Incentive Rate as established by Council where the following Incentive Rates apply:
a Incentive Rate 1 is $296.00 per square metre;
b Incentive Rate 2 is $242.00 per square metre;
c Incentive Rate 3 is $194.00 per square metre; and
d Incentive Rate 4 is $43.00 per square metre.
4 Public amenity items that must or may be provided to achieve additional gross floor area are shown in Table 7.
5 Unless otherwise specified in this Part, a public amenity item for which additional gross floor area has been achieved must be maintained on the parcel for so long as the development exists.
6 The Development Authority must determine whether a proposed amenity item is appropriate for the development.
7 Where a parcel contains a building designated as a Municipal Historic Resource pursuant to the Historical Resources Act by a Bylaw approved by Council:
a the maximum floor area ratio is the floor area ratio that exists at the time of designation;
b for the purpose of calculating incentive floor area ratio only, the difference between the maximum floor area ratio of a building designated as a Municipal Historic Resource and a floor area ratio of 10.0 may be transferred to another parcel in accordance with the incentive provisions contained in Table 8, item 8.13;
c the floor area ratio may be increased by up to an additional 2.0 floor area ratio to a total of 12.0 where retention costs, which include costs for repair, restoration and improvement of the historic building as approved by the Development Authority, are incurred; and
d the transferable floor area ratio achieved through retention costs is transferred as gross floor area and calculated by dividing the retention costs by Incentive Rate 3.
8 Where a building is legally existing or approved prior to the parcel being designated CR20-C20/R20 the floor area ratio of the building is deemed to conform to the minimum and maximum requirements of this Bylaw. 
Table 7: Summary of Incentive Provisions
table 8
table 8
table 8
table 8
table 8
table 8
table 8
table 8
table 8
table 8
table 8

DISCLAIMER: This version of Bylaw 1P2007 MUST NOT be relied upon; it is not an official version of the bylaw and may contain errors. The City of Calgary accepts no responsibility to persons relying solely on this information. Consult the Office of the City Clerk for an official version of the bylaw, if required. Please note that web pages are updated periodically.