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Land Use Bylaw1P2007

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Division 5: Special Purpose – Recreation (S-R) District


1041 1 The Special Purpose — Recreation District is intended to:
a accommodate a range of indoor and outdoor recreation uses;
b provide for complementary uses located within buildings occupied by indoor and outdoor recreation uses; and
c be applied to parcels of various sizes with a greater range of use intensities.
2 The Special Purpose — Recreation District should not be applied to land dedicated as reserve pursuant to the Municipal Government Act or its predecessors.

Permitted Uses

1042 The following uses are permitted uses in the Special Purpose — Recreation District:
b Park;
f deleted

Discretionary Uses

1043 1 The following uses are discretionary uses in the Special Purpose — Recreation District:
f Museum;
2 The following uses are discretionary uses in the Special Purpose — Recreation District when they occur within a building used for an Indoor Recreation Facility, Library, Museum, Performing Arts Centre or Spectator Sports Facility:
a deleted
d deleted
f deleted
h deleted
3 The following uses are discretionary uses in the Special Purpose — Recreation District when they occur on a parcel used for a Park:
4 The following uses are discretionary uses in the Special Purpose — Recreation District when they occur in a building approved as a Community Recreation Facility:
5 The following uses are discretionary uses in the Special Purpose — Recreation District when they occur in a building approved as part of an Outdoor Recreation Area:
g deleted
h deleted
j deleted
k deleted


1044 In addition to the rules in this District, all uses in this District must comply with:
a the General Rules for Special Purpose Land Use Districts referenced in Part 9, Division 1;
b the Rules Governing All Districts referenced in Part 3; and
c the applicable Uses And Use Rules referenced in Part 4.

Retail and Consumer Service Restrictions

1044.1 Retail and Consumer Service must only operate in conjunction with, and sell products related to, an Indoor Recreation Facility, Outdoor Recreation Area, Park, Museum, Library or Spectator Sports Facility.

Use Area

1045 1 Unless otherwise referenced in subsections (2), there is no use area requirement in the Special Purpose — Recreation District.
2 The maximum cumulative use area for all:
4 The maximum public area for a Restaurant: Food Service Only or Restaurant: Licensed when they occur on a parcel used for a Park is 150.0 square metres.

Front Setback Area

1046 The front setback area must have a minimum depth of 3.0 metres.

Rear Setback Area

1047 1 Where the parcel shares a rear property line with a parcel designated as:
a a residential district, the rear setback area must have a minimum depth of 6.0 metres; and
b any other District, the rear setback area must have a minimum depth of 3.0 metres.
2 Where the parcel shares a rear property line with a lane, LRT corridor or street, the rear setback area must have a minimum depth of 3.0 metres.

Side Setback Area

1048 1 Where the parcel shares a side property line with a parcel designated as:
a a residential district, the side setback area must have a minimum depth of 6.0 metres; and
b any other District, the side setback area must have a minimum depth of 3.0 metres.
2 Where the parcel shares a side property line with a lane, LRT corridor, or street, the side setback area must have a minimum depth of 3.0 metres.

Landscaping In Setback Areas

1049 1 All setback areas on a parcel, not including those portions specifically required for motor vehicle access, sidewalks, or any other purpose allowed by the Development Authority, must be a soft surfaced landscaped area.
2 Where a setback area shares a property line with an LRT corridor, street or parcel designated as a residential district, the setback area must provide a minimum of:
a 1.0 trees and 2.0 shrubs for every 30.0 square metres; or
b 1.0 trees and 2.0 shrubs for every 50.0 square metres, where irrigation is provided by a low water irrigation system.
3 Where a setback area shares a property line with a lane or parcel designated as a commercial, industrial or special purpose district, the setback area must provide a minimum of:
a 1.0 trees and 2.0 shrubs for every 45.0 square metres; or
b 1.0 trees and 2.0 shrubs for every 60.0 square metres, where irrigation is provided by a low water irrigation system.

Additional Landscaping Requirements

1050 1 All areas of a parcel must be a soft surfaced landscaped area unless specifically allowed by the Development Authority.
2 Every building on a parcel must have at least one sidewalk connecting the public entrance to a public sidewalk, or in the case where there is no public sidewalk, to the nearest street.
3 Where a building contains more than one use, every use that has an exterior public entrance must either:
a have a sidewalk connecting the public entrance to the sidewalk referenced in subsection (2); or
b have a sidewalk connecting that public entrance to a public sidewalk or to the nearest street.
4 Every building on a parcel must have at least one sidewalk connecting the parking area to the public entrances to the building.
5 Every sidewalk provided must:
b be a minimum width of 2.0 metres;
c have a different surfacing than the surfacing of parking areas on the parcel; and
d be raised above the surface of the parking area when located in a parking area.

Landscaping for Large Parking Area

1051 1 Landscaping is required in a parking area when the total surface area containing the required drive aisles, motor vehicle parking stalls and vehicular access for a development is equal to or greater than 5000.0 square metres.
2 Landscaped areas in the parking area:
a must be provided at a ratio of 0.15 square metres for every 1.0 square metres of the total surface area referenced in subsection (1); and
b must be provided as a combination of hard surfaced landscaped area and soft surfaced landscaped area in the form of islands and strips.
3 Islands provided in the parking area must:
a be provided at the beginning and end of every row of motor vehicle parking stalls;
b be provided for every 20 motor vehicle parking stalls in a row with no more than 20 stalls between islands;
c be a minimum area of 12.0 square metres with at least one side of the island being a minimum length of 2.0 metres;
d provide a minimum of 1.0 trees and 2.0 shrubs; and
e be surrounded by a concrete curb.
4 Strips provided in the parking area must:
a be provided for every four (4) rows of motor vehicle parking stalls with no more than four (4) rows between strips;
b be perpendicular to the motor vehicle parking stalls for the full length of the parking stall row;
c be a minimum depth of 2.0 metres;
d provide a minimum of 1.0 trees every 15.0 metres of the length of the strip; and
e be surrounded by a concrete curb.
5 If the application of these rules results in an island or a strip being contiguous with a setback area, that island or strip is not required at that location on the parcel.
6 Sidewalks connecting the public entrance to a public sidewalk and sidewalks connecting the parking area to the public entrance may be included in determining whether the development satisfies the requirement of this section.

Reductions to Minimum Required Motor Vehicles Parking Stalls

1052 deleted

DISCLAIMER: This version of Bylaw 1P2007 MUST NOT be relied upon; it is not an official version of the bylaw and may contain errors. The City of Calgary accepts no responsibility to persons relying solely on this information. Consult the Office of the City Clerk for an official version of the bylaw, if required. Please note that web pages are updated periodically.