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Land Use Bylaw1P2007

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Division 7: Special Purpose – City and Regional Infrastructure (S-CRI) District


1066 The Special Purpose — City and Regional Infrastructure District is intended to provide for:
a infrastructure and utility facilities;
b vehicle maintenance, work depots and training centres related to infrastructure development and maintenance;
c facilities and systems for public transportation; and
d uses operated by Federal, Provincial and Municipal levels of government.

Permitted Uses

1067 1 The following uses are permitted uses in the Special Purpose — City and Regional Infrastructure District:
a Airport;
b Cemetery;
e Military Base;
h Park;
k Rail Line;
l Sewage Treatment Plant;
p deleted
t deleted
u deleted
v deleted
w Water Treatment Plant.
2 The following uses are permitted uses in the Special Purpose — City and Regional Infrastructure District if they are located within existing approved buildings:

Discretionary Uses

1068 1 The following uses are discretionary uses in the Special Purpose — City and Regional Infrastructure District:
c deleted
g deleted
h Office;
2 An existing Sign — Class F is a discretionary use where:
a it existed on the effective date of this Bylaw, and
b is currently approved by a development permit issued by the City.
a it is replacing a Sign — Class F that was approved pursuant to subsection (2); and
b its location on the parcel is the same as the Sign — Class F.
4 The following uses are discretionary uses when carried on by, or on behalf of, the City where located on parcels identified in subsections (5) and (6):
5 The uses listed in subsection 1068 (4) may be located on a parcel identified as one or more of the following:
a Block 1 Plan 7611002 excepting Road Plan 8211009 and Subdivision Plan 8911094;
b Lot 1 Block 13 Plan 7810679; and
c Block C Plan 7811204.
6 The uses listed in subsection 1068 (4) may be located on a parcel identified as one or more of the following, if they are pedestrian scaled third party advertising:
a That portion of Research Road NW which lies east of 33 Street NW on Plan 8110138;
b Lot 5 Block 5 Plan 8110138;
c Lot 9 Block 5 Plan 9712289;
d Block 4 Plan 9512418;
e Block 1 Plan 7611002 excepting Road Plan 8211009 and Subdivision Plan 8911094;
f Lot 1 Block 1 Plan 8510947;
g Block 14 Plan Haysboro Industrial Calgary 5115HV;
h Block 9 Plan Franklin Park Industrial Calgary 7410806; excepting Street Widening Plan 7811004;
i Lot 10 Block 1 Plan 9912694;
j Lot 1 Block 9 Plan 8211309;
k Block 2 Plan 9911775;
l Lot 106 Block 13 Plan 9710384;
m Lot 1 Block 13 Plan 7810679;
n Block C Plan 7811204; and
o Lot 1 Block 39 Plan 0012045.


1069 In addition to the rules in this District, all uses in this District must comply with:
a the General Rules for Special Purpose Land Use Districts referenced in Part 9, Division 1;
b the Rules Governing All Districts referenced in Part 3; and
c the applicable Uses And Use Rules referenced in Part 4.

Setback Area

1070 1 Where the parcel shares a property line with a parcel designated as:
a a commercial district, the setback area must have a minimum depth of 1.2 metres;
b an industrial district, the setback area must have a minimum depth of 1.2 metres;
c a residential district, the setback area must have a minimum depth of 6.0 metres; and
d a special purpose district, the setback area must have a minimum depth of 6.0 metres.
2 Where the parcel shares a property line:
a with an LRT corridor or street, the setback area must have a minimum depth of 6.0 metres;
b with a lane that separates the parcel from a parcel designated as a residential district, the setback area must have a minimum depth of 6.0 metres; and
c with a lane, in all other cases, the setback area must have a minimum depth of 3.0 metres.

Landscaping In Setback Areas

1071 1 All setback areas on a parcel, not including those portions specifically required for motor vehicle access, sidewalks, or any other purpose allowed by the Development Authority, must be a soft surfaced landscaped area.
2 Where a setback area shares a property line with a parcel designated as a residential district, the setback area must provide a minimum of:
a 1.0 trees and 2.0 shrubs for every 30.0 square metres; or
b 1.0 trees and 2.0 shrubs for every 50.0 square metres, where irrigation is provided by a low water irrigation system.
3 Where a setback area shares a property line with a lane, street, LRT corridor or parcel designated as a commercial, industrial or special purpose district, the setback area must provide a minimum of:
a 1.0 trees and 2.0 shrubs for every 45.0 square metres; or
b 1.0 trees and 2.0 shrubs for every 60.0 square metres, where irrigation is provided by a low water irrigation system.

Employee Area

1072 All developments must have an outdoor area, for the use of employees, that is a minimum of 10.0 square metres.

Reductions to Minimum Required Motor Vehicle Parking Stalls

1073 1 deleted

Sign Class — F and Sign — Class G Rules

1073.1 1 The rules contained in Part 3, Division 5: Signs apply to Sign — Class F and Sign — Class G, except as follows:
a Sign — Class F pedestrian scaled third party advertising may only be illuminated indirectly in a manner that prevents the trespass of light onto adjacent parcels;
b Notwithstanding subsections 115.2(6), where a Sign — Class G pedestrian scaled third party advertising is visible from and located within 125.0 metres of a building containing a Dwelling Unit, the sign must not operate, or must only display a blank screen between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m.;
c In addition to any sign approved under subsections 1068(2), (3) and (5), a maximum of one Sign — Class F or Sign — Class G larger than a maximum height of 2.0 metres and a maximum sign area of 2.0 square metres may be located on each parcel identified in subsection 1068(5); and 
d When a Third Party Advertising Sign or Digital Third Party Advertising Sign is located on a parcel identified in subsection 1068(5) (a), it must be a minimum of 200.0 metres from another Third Party Advertising Sign or Digital Third Party Advertising Sign, facing the same oncoming traffic.

DISCLAIMER: This version of Bylaw 1P2007 MUST NOT be relied upon; it is not an official version of the bylaw and may contain errors. The City of Calgary accepts no responsibility to persons relying solely on this information. Consult the Office of the City Clerk for an official version of the bylaw, if required. Please note that web pages are updated periodically.