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Land Use Bylaw1P2007

The City of Calgary Land Use Bylaw 1P2007

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Amending Bylaws - 2008

Land Use Bylaw 1P2007 has been amended by the following bylaws. With the amending bylaw there is a summary, a link to the report and a link to the amending text. To search for Public Hearing minutes and video related to the item, please visit, and enter the bylaw number in the search bar to the right.

Bylaw 11P2008

To view the signed bylaw and report, please search the City Clerks database for Bylaw 11P2008. Click here to view the search instructions.

Effective: June 1, 2008

Amended the CM-2 District Bonus Density Table, Bonus Group B in Part 10, to add "Cultural Space" as a new bonus item.

Bylaw 13P2008

To view the signed bylaw and report, please search the City Clerks database for Bylaw 13P2008. Click here to view the search instructions.

Effective: June 1, 2008

Provided textual amendments to the Land Use Bylaw, in order to clarify definitions, rules and correct typographical, grammatical, and numbering errors.

The amendments included: The clarification of development permits for lands annexed from the former Municipal District of Rocky View.

Revisions to definitions of balcony, building height, cottage housing cluster, deck and privacy wall.

Clarification of developments exempt from requiring a development permits prior to implementation of land use bylaw 1P2007 and in regards to lands annexed from the former M.D. of Rocky View.

Building design in the flood fringe, mounting of fixtures and height limits pertaining to outdoor light fixtures, motor vehicle parking stalls and maps 4, 5 and 6 in Part 3, Division 6, added criteria for the identification of proposed uses within a development permit application, revision of the uses: Auto Body and Paint Shop, Bed and Breakfast, Cottage Building, Gas Bar, Health Services Laboratory — Without Clients, Live Work Unit, Municipal Works Depot, Park, Parking Lot — Grade, Parking Lot — Grade (temporary), Parking Lot — Structure, Pawn Shop, Printing, Publishing and Distributing, Supermarket, and Video Store.

Amendments to the general rules for balconies.

The number of main residential buildings on a parcel in R-C1L, R-C1Ls, R-C1, R-C1s, R-C1N, R-C2, R-1, R-1s, R-1N, R-2 districts, motor vehicle parking stalls in R-C2 district, rear yard setback in R-1N district, parcel coverage and building height in R-2 district, permitted and discretionary uses, and maximum density in R-2M district, specific rules for landscaped areas in the general rules for multi-residential land use districts, accessory residential buildings, and retaining walls, at grade orientation of units, building height and cross section in M-CG district, maximum density in M-C2, M-2, M-H1, M-H2, M-H3, M-X1, and M-X2.

General rules regarding additional landscaping requirements in commercial districts, reductions of the minimum motor vehicle parking requirement in C-C1, C-C2, C-COR1, C-COR2, C-COR3, C-O, C-R2, C-R3, I-B,districts, the purpose statement, side setback area, and landscaping in setback areas in I-R district, minimum motor vehicle parking stalls in I-H, building height in S-CI district, reductions to minimum required motor vehicle parking stalls in S-SPR S-CS, S-CR, S-CI, S-CRI, and S-URP districts, single detached dwellings and manufactured homes.

The revision of the "Boundaries of the Downtown Parking Area" map, special provisions for the downtown parking area of Part 10, revision of Schedule A, and revision of miscellaneous typographical errors.

Bylaw 15P2008

To view the signed bylaw and report, please search the City Clerks database for Bylaw 15P2008. Click here to view the search instructions.

Effective: June 1, 2008

Corrected minor typographical, capitalisation, grammatical, formatting and numbering errors.

Bylaw 47P2008

To view the signed bylaw and report, please search the City Clerks database for Bylaw 47P2008. Click here to view the search instructions.

Effective: June 1, 2008

Provided textual amendments to clarify, correct and aid in the implementation of the Land Use Bylaw. Amendments included the following: Clarified the definition of parcel coverage, methods for measuring setback and landscaped areas, standards for motor vehicle parking stalls, the rules regarding the location of vehicle exiting doors for the Auto Service — Major, Auto Service — Minor, Car Wash — Multi Vehicle, Car Wash — Single Vehicle and Large Vehicle Wash use definitions.

The definition of a Contextual Single Detached Dwelling, the location of a Restaurant: Licensed — Medium, the definition of a Secondary Suite, and Storage Yard, length of portions of a building in setback areas, projections into the front, side and rear setback areas for low density residential districts and I-O districts, reduction for transit supportive Multi-Residential Development, parking maximums close to LRT stations, location of uses within buildings in C-COR1 and C-COR2 districts, fencing and screening requirements in the I-O and I-H districts, deleted a requirement for landscaping in setback areas in I-H districts.

Bylaw 48P2008

To view the signed bylaw and report, please search the City Clerks database for Bylaw 48P2008. Click here to view search instructions.

Effective: June 1, 2008

Corrected minor typographical, capitalisation, grammatical, formatting and numbering errors.

Bylaw 49P2008

To view the signed bylaw and report, please search the City Clerks database for Bylaw 49P2008. Click here to view search instructions.

Effective: June 1, 2008

Amended the notice posting requirement for development permits and proposed discretionary uses. This included: uses that must always be notice posted, specifically Home Occupation — Class 2, Place of Worship — Large and Secondary Suite, regardless of the land use district, uses which are located near residential land use districts, multi-residential development in the Developed Area only, uses which occur in low density residential districts, multi-residential districts, and special purpose districts, new buildings and additions, assisted living developments in the Developed Area, and infill developments in the Developed Area.

Bylaw 50P2008

To view the signed bylaw and report, please search the City Clerks database for Bylaw 50P2008. Click here to view search instructions.  

Effective: June 1, 2008

Provided an amendment which prevented vehicular access from a lane to an attached private garage at the rear of a Contextual Single Detached Dwelling.

Bylaw 53P2008

To view the signed bylaw and report, please search the City Clerks database for Bylaw 53P2008. Click here to view search instructions.

Effective: June 1, 2008

Provided minor textual amendments to correct and aid implementation of the Land Use Bylaw. Updated, corrected and added textual amendments regarding the following: City boundary following annexation of land from Rocky View County, the definition of a Secondary Suite, building setbacks deemed conforming in low density residential districts, maximum parcel width in the Residential — Contextual Narrow Parcel One Dwelling District (R-C1N) and Residential — Narrow Parcel One Dwelling District (R-1N), and allowable uses on parcels containing a Community Recreation Facility in the Developing Area.

Bylaw 54P2008

To view the signed bylaw and report, please search the City Clerks database for Bylaw 54P2008. Click here to view search instructions.

Effective: May 12, 2008

Provided minor textual amendments to correct formatting and typographical errors, including: updates and corrections to maps, corrected the definition of Secondary Suite, added a provision for existing building setbacks to be deemed to conform in low density residential districts in the Developed Area of the city.

Amended the maximum parcel width for R-C1N and R-1N parcels with irregular parcel shapes.

Added selected public or community uses on parcels which contain an existing Community Recreation Facility, and deleted Power Generation Facility — Small from the permitted use list in the S-TUC district.

Bylaw 57P2008

To view the signed bylaw and report, please search the City Clerks database for Bylaw 57P2008. Click here to view search instructions.

Effective: June 9, 2008

Provided minor textual amendments to correct formatting, typographical, grammatical, and numbering errors, as well as other amendments including maximum parcel width and height maximum.

 Clarified that the development authority may consider relaxation to the minimum required motor vehicle parking stalls, pick-up and drop-off stalls for a school, added a separation distance between a Restaurant: Food Service Only — Medium use and a residential district, clarified the height of a deck in relation to walk-out basements, existing driveways, transparent windows and balconies for contextual single detached dwellings, setbacks for secondary suites, increased the maximum parcel width and amended the maximum parcel coverage rules in R-1N district, added a height maximum I-B district, clarified the subdivision of parcels in the S-FUD district, and revised the definitions and use rules of Home Occupation — Class 1 and Home Occupation — Class 2 in Part 10.

Bylaw 67P2008

To view the signed bylaw and report, please search the City Clerks database for Bylaw 67P2008. Click here to view search instructions.

Effective: October 1, 2008

Provided minor textual amendments to clarify, correct and aid in the implementation of the Land Use Bylaw. Clarifications included the following: corrected to the map of "Major Parks", added hot tubs to the exemption regarding outdoor pools from requiring development permits under certain circumstances, non-conforming building and sign rules.

Revised the Auto Service — Major and Auto Service — Minor use definitions, added the Conference and Event Facility use definition and listed the use in C-C2, C-COR1, C-COR2, C-COR3, C-O, C-R2, C-R3, I-B, S-R, and S-CI districts, revised the definition of assembly area and parking rules associated with the use, revised the Distribution Centre, and Utility Building use definitions, added restaurants, and drinking establishments associated with golf courses and child care facilities associated with community association buildings to the S-R district.

Clarified the limitations on Home Occupation — Class 1, clarified the rules for Hotel, Live Work Unit and Office uses, clarified the status of Charter Schools.

Amended the location of Temporary Residential Sales Centre uses, added Large Vehicle Sales to the C-COR3 district.

Exempted additions to low density residential dwellings from specific contextual rules, ensured that the setback and height for existing dwellings in the Developed Area would be deemed conforming.

Allowed for the placement of air conditioning units in side setback areas, clarified projection rules for low density residential districts, clarified the maximum size of landings, amended the definition and regulation of privacy wall(s), clarified the method for determining the height of accessory residential buildings and additions to low density residential buildings.

Clarified the Multi-Residential Development and Multi-Residential Development — Minor use definitions and the uses that must comply with the rules of the R-C2 district in the general rules for multi-residential districts, and corrected errors regarding the minimum required rear and side setbacks for the C-COR3, C-O, and C-R1 districts.

Bylaw 68P2008

To view the signed bylaw and report, please search the City Clerks database for Bylaw 68P2008. Click here to view the search instructions.

Effective: October 6, 2008

Created the uses, definitions, interim policy and regulations to accommodate the use of solar collectors and other micro-generation scale renewable energy technologies in Bylaw 1P2007.

Bylaw 60P2008

To view the signed bylaw and report, please search the City Clerks database for Bylaw 60P2008. Click here to view the search instructions.

Effective: October 6, 2008

Amended the Centre City Plan and Land Use Bylaw 1P2007 to encourage street level pedestrian activity and facilitate the development of Stephen Avenue as a retail district. Amendments included the following: revision of the definition of a Financial Institution, minor textual amendments, restricted financial institutions from locating on the ground floor except for specified addresses, and updated maps.

Bylaw 71P2008

To view the signed bylaw and report, please search the City Clerks database for Bylaw 71P2008. Click here to view the search instructions.

Effective: December 22, 2008

Provided textual amendments regarding the cancellation of development permits, clarification of building setback rules for Semi-detached Dwellings, automotive service uses, the Temporary Residential Sales Centre use, definitions and rules for signs, commercial special function tents, front property lines on corner parcels, recreational special function tents, and corrected miscellaneous typographical errors.

Bylaw 51P2008

To view the signed bylaw and report, please search the City Clerks database for Bylaw 51P2008. Click here to view the search instructions.

Effective: January 4, 2009

Redesignated land within the Beltline Communities to align land use with the Beltline Area Redevelopment Plan. Amendments included: the creation of four new land use districts with the insertion of Part 11: Centre City Districts, Centre City Multi-Residential High Rise District (CC-MH), Centre City Multi-Residential High Rise Support Commercial District (CC-MHX), Centre City Commercial Corridor District (CC-COR) and Centre City Mixed Use District (CC-X).

Revised Map 1 and the Floodway/Floodplain Maps, added the general definition floor plate area.

Revised multi-residential district to include CC-MH and CC-MHX districts, revised the conditions for development permit exemptions, and added the use Parking Lot — Grade (temporary).

Bylaw 75P2008

To view the signed bylaw and report, please search the City Clerks database for Bylaw 75P2008. Click here to view search instructions.

Effective: January 4, 2009

Provided minor textual amendments to correct technical, grammatical and typographical errors in Part 11, Beltline Land Use Districts.

This information has no legal status and cannot be used as an official interpretation of the various bylaws, codes and regulations currently in effect. The City of Calgary accepts no responsibility to persons relying solely on this information. Web pages are updated periodically. ​
