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Land Use Bylaw1P2007

The City of Calgary Land Use Bylaw 1P2007

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Amending Bylaws - 2017

Land Use Bylaw 1P2007 has been amended by the following bylaws. With the amending bylaw there is a summary, a link to the report and a link to the amending text. To search for Public Hearing minutes and video related to the item, please visit, and enter the bylaw number in the search bar to the right.

Bylaw 4P2017

To view the signed bylaw and report, please search the City Clerks database for Bylaw 4P2017. Click here to view the search instructions.

Effective: January 23, 2017

Bylaw 4P2017 updates the definition of a parcel so that a bare land unit in the Residential — Grade-Oriented Infill (R-CG) District no longer qualifies as a parcel. Updates the rules for Backyard and Secondary Suite so that they are still allowed on bare land units after the change to the definition of a parcel. Allows more than one main residential building on a parcel for discretionary developments in the R-CG District. Housekeeping amendments to clarify parking rules, Secondary Suite floor area rules and to add uses to Schedule A.

Bylaw 5P2017

To view the signed bylaw and report, please search the City Clerks database for Bylaw 5P2017. Click here to view the search instructions.

Effective: February 13, 2017

Bylaw 5P2017 removes the March 3, 2017 expiry date from the Secondary Suite development permit exemption that was approved under 26P2015.

Bylaw 13P2017

To view the signed bylaw and report, please search the City Clerks database for Bylaw 13P2017. Click here to view the search instructions.

Effective: March 27, 2017

Bylaw 13P2017 amends the Centre City - East Village District to align with the East Village Area Redevelopment Plan by deleting all of Part 12 and replacing it with the updated text. Parts 1-4 were adjusted to align with the Area Redevelopment Plan as well.

Bylaw 20P2017

To view the signed bylaw and report, please search the City Clerks database for Bylaw 20P2017. Click here to view the search instructions.

Effective: May 1, 2017

Bylaw 20P2017 adds a new Part 14 with consequential amendments to Parts 1 through 4. Part 14 includes the Mixed Use — General (MU-1) District, the Mixed Use — Active Frontage (MU-2) District and General Rules for Mixed Use Districts. The proposed districts allow a range of commercial and residential uses and are intended to be located along neighbourhood and community scale commercial streets. The Mixed Use Districts support development of street oriented, mid-rise buildings containing a mix of uses.

Bylaw 29P2017

To view the signed bylaw and report, please search the City Clerks database for Bylaw 29P2017. Click here to view the search instructions.

Effective: June 26, 2017

Bylaw 29P2017 amends Land Use Bylaw 1P2007 to extend the set time period for developments to start construction, called the date of commencement. Prior to this amendment, applications for commencement extensions could have been granted for two, one-year time periods. The Bylaw 29P2017 amendment enables commencement extensions for two, two-year time periods.

Bylaw 30P2017

To view the signed bylaw and report, please search the City Clerks database for Bylaw 30P2017. Click here to view the search instructions.

Effective: June 26, 2017

Bylaw 30P2017 provided permit exemptions for a change of use, exterior alterations and additions up to 1000.0 square meters (gross floor area) to existing buildings in an area entitled the "Centre City Enterprise Area" (Map 2.1 in Land Use Bylaw 1P2007).  Proposed uses must be a listed use in the district.  Direct Control Districts are eligible for these exemptions unless otherwise noted in the Direct Control Bylaw.  Additions must comply with section 24 of Land Use Bylaw 1P2007.  Custodial Care, Liquor Store, Medical Marihuana Counselling, Nightclub, Pawn Shop, Payday Loan and buildings listed on the City inventory of potential heritage sites are not eligible for these exemptions.  Addiction Treatment, Assisted Living, Child Care Service, Dwelling Unit, Emergency Shelter, Home Based Child Care — Class 2, Hospital, Jail, Residential Care, School — Private, School Authority — School, and Temporary Shelter within 30 metres of a freight rail corridor property line are not eligible for these exemptions.  These exemptions will be in effect until July 1, 2020.

Bylaw 37P2017

To view the signed bylaw and report, please search the City Clerks database for Bylaw 37P2017. Click here to view the search instructions.

Effective: August 2, 2017

Bylaw 37P2017 amends Land Use Bylaw 1P2007 to define livestock grazing as "targeted grazing" and allow livestock, temporary fencing, working dogs and horses and temporary overnight accommodation for shepherds and shelter for working dogs and horses. "Targeted grazing" is proposed as an activity that is exempt from a development permit when conducted by or on behalf of the City on City-owned lands.

Bylaw 49P2017

To view the signed bylaw and report, please search the City Clerks database for Bylaw 49P2017. Click here to view the search instructions.

Effective: September 12, 2017

Bylaw 49P2017 amends Land Use Bylaw 1P2007 to do the following:

1. Bylaw 49P2017 defines a new use called "Food Production" to accommodate businesses that grow and distribute food. "Food Production" is included in the definition of "General Industrial — Light", "General Industrial — Medium", "General Industrial - Heavy" and "Specialized Industrial", and listed as a discretionary use in most commercial districts. It includes opportunities for aquaculture in the I-G district only;
2. Lists "Brewery, Winery and Distillery" as a permitted use in the I-G and I-R districts and discretionary in the I-H district, and includes them to the uses allowed t operate as a Special Function — Class 2;
3. Amends the definition of "Extensive Agriculture" to increase the opportunities for ancillary buildings; and
4. Defines "Intensive Agriculture" as a use where animals are confined in order to bring them to market.

Bylaw 50P2017

To view the signed bylaw and report, please search the City Clerks database for Bylaw 50P2017. Click here to view the search instructions.

Effective: September 25, 2017

Bylaw 50P2017 amends Land Use Bylaw 1P2007 to allow existing developments on parcels affected by City land acquisitions to continue to exist and operate as compliant developments following acquisition of a portion of the parcel for a municipal infrastructure purpose. This will allow for land acquisition negotiations to be completed more efficiently and provide greater fairness and certainty for land owners, as well as reduce low value-added work for land owners and The City.

Bylaw 56P2017

To view the signed bylaw and report, please search the City Clerks database for Bylaw 56P2017. Click here to view the search instructions.

Effective: September 25, 2017

Bylaw 56P2017 amends Land Use Bylaw 1P2007 to remove the Land Use Bylaw rule prohibiting Digital Message Signs adjacent to Deerfoot Tail and add a new visibility setback table for these types of signs when they are adjacent to Provincial highways.  Digital Message Signs are not intended to be legible from highways.  Other provincially controlled highways are added, so all highways are all subject to the same rules.  The amendments remove a separation requirement between Digital Message Signs and Digital Third Party Advertising Signs.  Pedestrian crosswalks are added to the current rule that requires a setback from intersections and railway crossings.  Minor housekeeping amendments are included for the Stephen Avenue Mall heritage area to correct section references and a typographical error.

This information has no legal status and cannot be used as an official interpretation of the various bylaws, codes and regulations currently in effect. The City of Calgary accepts no responsibility to persons relying solely on this information. Web pages are updated periodically. ​
