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Land Use Bylaw1P2007

The City of Calgary Land Use Bylaw 1P2007

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Amending Bylaws - 2021

Land Use Bylaw 1P2007 has been amended by the following bylaws. With the amending bylaw there is a summary, a link to the report and a link to the amending text. To search for Public Hearing minutes and video related to the item, please visit, and enter the bylaw number in the search bar to the right.

Bylaw 6P2021

To view the signed bylaw and report, please search the City Clerks database for Bylaw 6P2021. Click here to view the search instructions.

Effective: January 18, 2021

Bylaw 6P2021 amends the Land Use Bylaw to provide permit exemptions for certain areas of the city. There are three areas of the city that are impacted. The "International Avenue Change of Use/Exterior Renovation Exemption Area", "Montgomery Change of Use/Exterior Renovation Exemption Area" and the "Sunalta Change of Use Exemption Area" (Maps 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 in Land Use Bylaw 1P2007). Proposed uses must be a listed use in the district. Direct Control Districts are eligible for these exemptions unless otherwise noted in the Direct Control Bylaw, with the exception of the International Avenue Change of Use/Exterior Renovation Exemption Area, where a Direct Control District approved under Bylaws 8600 or 2P80 are not part of these exemptions.

The following uses require a development permit (not part of the exemptions): Addiction Treatment, Cannabis Counselling, Cannabis Store, Custodial Care, Liquor Store, Nightclub, Pawn Shop, and Payday Loan.

Additional uses that are not part of the development permit exemptions for the  "International Avenue Change of Use/Exterior Renovation Exemption Area" are:  Assisted Living, Auto Service — Major, Auto Service — Minor, Counselling Service, Dwelling Unit, Medical Clinic, Place of Worship — Large, Place of Worship — Medium, Place of Worship — Small, Residential Care, Service Organization, Social Organization, Temporary Shelter, Vehicle Rental — Major, Vehicle Rental — Minor, Vehicle Sales — Major, and Vehicle Sales — Minor.

Buildings listed on the City inventory of evaluated historic sites are not eligible for exterior renovation exemptions in the "International Avenue Change of Use/Exterior Alterations Exemption Area "Montgomery Change of Use/Exterior Alterations Exemption Area".

Assisted Living, Child Care Service, Dwelling Unit, Emergency Shelter, Home Based Child Care — Class 2, Hospital, Jail, Residential Care, School — Private, School Authority — School, and Temporary Shelter within 30 metres of a freight rail corridor property line are not eligible for these exemptions.  These exemptions will be in effect until January 31, 2022.

Housekeeping amendments to parking requirements, resulting from Bylaw 48P2020 are included in this amending bylaw.

Bylaw 27P2021

To view the signed bylaw and report, please search the City Clerks database for Bylaw 27P2021. Click here to view the search instructions.

Effective: July 5, 2021, with the exception of the Section 25.2(7) amendment that comes into effect immediately on June 21, 2021.

Bylaw 27P2021 provided additional amendments to support businesses and economic recovery. These changes:

Reduced the number of restaurant uses down to 2 — Restaurant: Licensed and Restaurant: Food Service Only. The smallest form of restaurant will be increased to 150.0 square metres (from 75.0 square metres) and there is the ability to relax the maximum public area.
Consolidate the uses of Cannabis Counselling, Counselling Service, Health Services Laboratory — With Clients and Medical Clinic into the new use of Health Care Service.
Absorb the use of Market into the existing Retail and Consumer Service use.
Clarify the screening requirements for mechanical equipment.
Extend the expiry date for the Centre City Enterprise Area development permit exemptions from 01 July 2021 to 01 July 2023.
Allow RVs to be parked on front driveways for 36 hours, rather than 24 hours, to align with the Traffic Bylaw.
Change reference to "Subdivision and Development Appeal Board" to Appeal Body, to align with recent changes by the Provincial Government to the Municipal Government Act.
Update the table for Setbacks from Road Rights-of-Ways to Public Realm Setbacks and adding a purpose statement. Setbacks within the table have not changed.

Bylaw 46P2021

To view the signed bylaw and report, please search the City Clerks database for Bylaw 46P2021. Click here to view the search instructions.

Effective: July 26, 2021

Bylaw 46P2021 corrects omissions and clerical errors (housekeeping amendments) stemming from Bylaws 27P2021 and 28P2021, that amended Land Use Bylaw 1P2007.

The amending bylaw also advanced the date, for the Home Based Child Care — Class 1 change that allows one non-resident employee to assist for the care of up to 6 children, along with the resident manager, without the need of a development permit. This amendment was previously scheduled to be in effect on 21 December 2021.

Bylaw 28P2021

To view the signed bylaw and report, please search the City Clerks database for Bylaw 28P2021. Click here to view the search instructions.

Effective: December 21, 2021

Bylaw 28P2021 amended the Land Use Bylaw to align with changes to Provincial changes to the Early Learning and Child Care Act. Specific changes to the Land Use Bylaw were to the Home Based Child Care facilities by eliminating Class 2 operations and to allow one non-resident employee for Class 1 operations.

This information has no legal status and cannot be used as an official interpretation of the various bylaws, codes and regulations currently in effect. The City of Calgary accepts no responsibility to persons relying solely on this information. Web pages are updated periodically. ​
