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Land Use Bylaw1P2007

The City of Calgary Land Use Bylaw 1P2007

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635 The Multi-Residential — High Density Low Rise District:
a is intended to provide for Multi-Residential Development in the Developed Area and the Developing Area;
b has Multi-Residential Development that will provide development with higher numbers of Dwelling Units and traffic generation;
c provides for Multi-Residential Development in a variety of forms;
d has tall Multi-Residential Development with high density;
e has Multi-Residential Development where intensity is measured by floor area ratio to provide flexibility in building form and Dwelling Unit size and number;
f is intended to be typically located at community nodes and transit and transportation corridors and nodes;
g requires that Multi-Residential Development achieves a minimum density;
h includes a limited range of support commercial multi-residential uses, restricted in size and location within the building;
i provides outdoor space for social interaction; and
j provides landscaping to complement the design of the development and to help screen and buffer elements of the development that may have impacts on residents or nearby parcels.

Permitted Uses

636 The following uses are permitted uses in the Multi-Residential High Density Low Rise District:
c Park;
f deleted


638 In addition to the rules in this District, all uses in this District must comply with:
a (a) the General Rules for Multi-Residential Land Use Districts referenced in Part 6, Division 1;
b the Rules Governing All Districts referenced in Part 3; and
c the applicable Uses And Use Rules referenced in Part 4.

Floor Area Ratio

639 1 The maximum floor area ratio is 4.0.
2 The maximum floor area ratio for all buildings on parcels designated M-H1 District is the number following the letter "f" when indicated on the Land Use District Maps, which must be less than 4.0.


640 1 The minimum density for parcels designated M-H1 District is 150 units per hectare.
2 There is no maximum density for parcels designated M-H1 District, unless established as referenced in subsection (3).
3 The maximum density for parcels designated M-H1 District followed by the letter "d" and a number indicated on the Land Use District Maps:
a is the number expressed in units per hectare; and
b the number after the letter "d" must not be less than the minimum density referenced in subsection (1).

Setback Area

641 The depth of all setback areas must be equal to the minimum building setback required in section 642.

Building Setbacks

642 1 Unless otherwise referenced in subsection (2), the minimum building setback from a property line shared with a street is 6.0 metres.
2 The minimum building setback from a property line shared with a street for a street-oriented multi-residential building is zero metres.
3 The minimum building setback from a property line shared with a lane is zero metres.
4 Unless otherwise referenced in subsection (5), the minimum building setback from a property line shared with another parcel is 3.0 metres.
5 The minimum building setback from a property line shared with another parcel is zero metres when the adjoining parcel is designated as a:
d M-C2, M-2, M-H1, M-H2, M-H3, M-X2, CC-MH or CC-MHX District.


643 At least 50.0 per cent of the required landscaped area must be provided at grade.

Building Height

644 1 Unless otherwise referenced in subsections (2), (3), (4) and (5), the maximum building height is 26.0 metres.
2 The maximum building height for parcels designated M-H1 is the number following the letter "h" indicated on the Land Use District Maps, expressed in metres, which must be less than 26.0 metres.
3 Where a parcel shares a property line with a street or a parcel designated as a M-C2, M-2, M-H1, M-H2, M-H3, or M-X2 District, the maximum building height referenced in subsection (1) or (2) is reduced to 10.0 metres measured from grade within 4.0 metres of that shared property line.
4 Where a parcel shares a property line with a lane or a parcel designated as a low density residential district, H-GOM-CG, M-C1, M-G, M-1, or M-X1 District, the maximum building height referenced in subsection (1) or (2) is reduced to 10.0 metres measured from grade within 6.0 metres of that shared property line.
5 Where a parcel shares a property line with a parcel designated as a commercial, industrial or special purpose district, the maximum building height referenced in subsection (1) or (2) is reduced to 10.0 metres measured from grade within 1.2 metres of that shared property line.

Rules for Commercial Multi-Residential Uses

a be located on the floor closest to grade of a main residential building;
b be contained completely within the building with the exception of Outdoor Café uses;
c not be located above any Dwelling Unit;
d not share an internal hallway with Dwelling Units; and
e have a separate exterior entrance from that of the Dwelling Units.
2 deleted
4 Parking areas for commercial multi-residential uses must:
a be separated from residential parking areas;
b provide pedestrian access to the commercial multi-residential uses; and
c be located a minimum distance of 5.0 metres from a parcel designated as a low density residential district, in the case of a surface parking area.

This information has no legal status and cannot be used as an official interpretation of the various bylaws, codes and regulations currently in effect. The City of Calgary accepts no responsibility to persons relying solely on this information. Web pages are updated periodically. ​
