Accessible voting
Each voting station is inspected to ensure they meet our accessibility standards. Use the Where Do I Vote tool to learn more about accessibility at the voting stations and to help you plan your visit.
Voting assistance
Several supports are available for voters who require assistance to vote:
- Magnifiers and large-grip pencils are available in voting stations upon request.
- You can bring someone to a voting station to help you vote. Helpers must be age 18 or older and must sign an oath.
- You can ask an election worker to help you mark your ballot.
- You can do a curbside vote if you are unable to enter a voting station. Please bring someone who can alert an election worker to this request.
Calgary Transit Access – Make a booking up to four days before with Calgary Transit Access.
Special voting options
Care facilities and shelters will have on-site voting stations during the Advance Vote. Dates and times are posted at the facility at least 48 hours in advance.
For convenience, eligible voters can choose to vote at any Advance Vote facility.