Elections Calgary

Inquiries and complaints

To ensure your inquiry or complaint is directed appropriately, please review the following information.

Election signs and robocalls

Nature of inquiry or complaint Who to contact
Election signs on City of Calgary property and boulevards.

First, contact the applicable candidate or third party advertiser to resolve the issue. If no resolution occurs:

Complaints about election signs on private property.

Contact the applicable candidate or third party advertiser to resolve the issue.

The City of Calgary is unable to resolve complaints about signs on private property.

Complaints about robocalls made by candidates, third party advertisers, local political parties and slates.

Contact the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC).

Call 1-877-249-2782.


Nature of inquiry or complaint Who to contact

Candidate activities.

Information contained on disclosure statements.

Contact the applicable candidate.

Nomination and disclosure statement requirements.

Call (403) 476- 4110.

Email candidates@calgary.ca.

Campaign finance compliance.

Contact the Election Commissioner of Alberta.

Call (780) 644-1250 (toll free 310-0000 then (780) 644-1250).

Email complaints@elections.ab.ca.

Allegations that a candidate has signed a false affidavit on their Form 4 (Nomination Paper and Candidates Acceptance), or their Form 4 contains a false statement related to their qualification to hold office.

Contact the Calgary Police Service.

Call (403) 266-1234 (non-emergency line).

Allegations of a breach of the Code of Conduct for Elected Officials Bylaw 26M2018 by an incumbent member of council.

Contact the City of Calgary Integrity Commissioner.

Call 1-866-505-5039.

Email integrity.commissioner@calgary.ca

Legislation governing candidates.

Contact the Government of Alberta, Ministry of Municipal Affairs.

Call (780) 427-2225 or toll free 310-0000 then (780) 427-2225.

Email ma.advisory@gov.ab.ca.

Local political parties and slates

Nature of inquiry or complaint Who to contact
Registration and disclosure statement requirements. 

Call (403) 476-4110.

Email candidates@calgary.ca.

Local political party and slate activities.

Information contained on local political party and slate disclosure statements.

Contact the local political party or slate.

Legislation governing local political parties and slates.

Contact the Government of Alberta, Ministry of Municipal Affairs.

Call (780) 427-2225 or toll free 310-0000 then (780) 427-2225.

Email ma.advisory@gov.ab.ca.

Third party advertisers

Nature of inquiry or complaint Who to contact
Third party advertiser registration and disclosure statement requirements.

Call (403) 476-4110.

Email candidates@calgary.ca.

Information contained on third party advertiser disclosure statements.

Contact the applicable third party advertiser.

Third party advertising compliance.

Contact the Election Commissioner of Alberta.

Call (780) 644-1250 or toll free 310-0000 then (780) 644-1250.

Email complaints@elections.ab.ca.

 Legislation governing third party advertisers.

Contact the Government of Alberta, Ministry of Municipal Affairs.

Call (780) 427-2225 or toll free 310-0000 then (780) 427-2225.

Email ma.advisory@gov.ab.ca.

Voting process and electors

Nature of inquiry or complaint Who to contact
Voter ineligibility or voter fraud.

Contact the Calgary Police Service.

Call (403) 266-1234 (non-emergency line).

Voting stations locations and times.

Contact 311 online.

Call 311. 

Legislation governing the voting process, including voter eligibility and voter fraud.

Contact the Government of Alberta, Ministry of Municipal Affairs.

Call (780) 427-2225 or toll free 310-0000 then (780) 427-2225.

Email ma.advisory@gov.ab.ca.
