Alert | State of Local Emergency in Effect

Effective July 2, indoor water-saving measures have eased. Outdoor Water Restrictions and fire ban remain in place. The city remains in a State of Local Emergency.

Water Saving Tips, FAQs, more information
Elections Calgary

Inquiries and complaints

To ensure your inquiry or complaint is directed to the appropriate authority, please review the following information.

In Alberta, the Election Commissioner has the authority to investigate violations, or potential violations, of Part 5.1 Election Finances and Contributions Disclosure and Part 8 Third Party Advertising of the Local Authorities Election Act (LAEA) as well as potential breaches of the Alberta Senate Election Act (ASEA). Complaints in relation to Parts 5.1 or Part 8 of the LAEA, or any complaint in relation to the ASEA, should be directed to their attention. 

The LAEA requires a local jurisdiction, a returning officer or the Registrar to refer any complaint or allegation, or any act or omission that may constitute a violation of Part 5.1 or Part 8 of the LAEA, to the Election Commissioner within a reasonable time period. For more information about the Election Commissioner, complaints and investigations, visit the Elections Alberta website.

General inquiries and jobs

Nature of inquiry or complaint Who to contact
  • General election questions

Call 311 or submit online

  • Election jobs

Call 311 or submit online


Nature of inquiry or complaint Who to contact
  • Questions about the nomination process, forms, appointments and disclosure statements.

Call 311 or submit online

  • Complaints about campaign finances.

Election Commissioner of Alberta

Call (780) 644-1250 or toll free 310-0000 then (780) 644-1250 or


  • Complaints that a candidate has signed a false affidavit on their Form 4 (Nomination Paper and Candidates Acceptance), or their Form 4 contains a false statement related to their qualification to hold office.

Calgary Police Service

Non-emergency line: (403) 266-1234

  • Complaints related to a potential violation of the Code of Conduct for Elected Officials Bylaw 26M2018 by an incumbent member of council.

Integrity Commissioner (City of Calgary)


Phone: 1-866-505-5039 (independent external phone line)

Report online (operated by Clearview Connects):

Third party advertisers

Nature of inquiry or complaint Who to contact
  • Third party registration and disclosure statements.

Call 311 or submit online

  • Complaints about third party finances.
  • Complaints about third party election advertising.
  • Collusion with candidates.

Election Commissioner of Alberta

Call (780) 644-1250 or toll free 310-0000 then (780) 644-1250 or


Election signs

Nature of inquiry or complaint Who to contact
  • Signs on City of Calgary property and boulevards.

Before contacting 311, you are encouraged to contact the sign owner (i.e. candidate or third party advertiser) to have the issue resolved.

Call 311 or submit online

  • Signs on private property.

Consider contacting the sign owner (i.e. candidate or third party advertiser) to have the issue resolved. Do not submit a 311 request for signs on private property. 

Voting process and electors

Nature of inquiry or complaint Who to contact

  • Voter ineligibility or voter fraud.

Calgary Police Service

Non-emergency line: (403) 266-1234

  • Voting stations locations and times.

Call 311 or submit online

Alberta Senate election and referendum

Nature of inquiry or complaint Who to contact

  • Alberta Senate nominations and results.
  • Provincial referendum questions and results.

Elections Alberta

Call (780) 644-1250 or toll free 310-0000 then (780) 644-1250 or

