Real Estate & Development Services

Navigating the path to purchasing industrial land from The City of Calgary: A step-by-step guide

Are you considering buying land from The City of Calgary? Our team in Real Estate & Development Services (RE&DS) is here to help. Whether you're a seasoned developer or a first-time buyer, understanding the municipal approvals process can make all the difference.

Here's a comprehensive breakdown of what to expect:

Application submission

Begin by filling out the Purchaser Application Form included with the listing and submit it to the associated Sales Agent. Some offerings have a submission deadline for applications – keep an eye out for this. 

Review applications

2 to 3 weeks

Our team of agents will carefully review and evaluate all submissions based on the minimum criteria specified in the listing. All applicants will receive a response.

Proposal letter & negotiation

2 to 4 weeks

Parties will negotiate to finalize the transaction's terms and conditions. A proposal letter outlining the base terms and conditions of the transaction will be drafted and sent to the successful applicant.

Acceptance of the proposal letter requires a deposit and the return of signed documents from the successful applicant.

This period may vary depending on the complexity of the negotiations. 

Corporate approval

6 to 8 weeks

Upon receipt of the signed proposal letter, your sales agent will prepare a Land Report for circulation and review by City management.

After incorporating comments and other direction, the report is then presented to an internal committee we call MRER, which stands for Management Real Estate Review. The majority of approvals take place at MRER, however for transactions exceeding $10,000,000, Council approval is essential.

Securing a spot on Council's calendar may prolong the timeline, depending on alignment with meeting schedules. Land reports are submitted to Council through the Standing Policy Committee on Planning and Infrastructure. Committee meetings are held monthly, excluding August, when no Council meetings occur. 

At this point, upon request, The City will provide a Letter of Authorization to enable the purchaser to apply for development approval concurrently with the remaining steps. 

Purchaser due diligence

4 to 8 weeks

The purchaser initiates the process of meticulously examining the property, gathering all essential information needed to make an informed decision about moving forward with the purchase. 

Legal Agreements

8 to 10 weeks

Once due diligence has been satisfied and any conditions waived, the process moves to The City’s Law Department.

The Law Department then drafts the purchase and sale agreement, including any additional agreements related to the transaction (e.g., option to repurchase).

Documentation and signing

2 to 4 weeks

Once due diligence has been satisfied and any conditions waived, the process moves to The City’s Law Department.

The Law Department then drafts the purchase and sale agreement, including any additional agreements related to the transaction (e.g., option to repurchase).


2 to 4 weeks

Closing funds are received, and Closing documents are forwarded to the purchaser’s solicitor for registration.

In total, depending on the complexity of the transaction, it could take as few as six months and as many as nine or more months from submitting the Purchaser Application Form to Closing on the sale of the property.

As the transaction is being finalized, the purchaser ideally is nearing the acquisition of planning approvals and can commence construction without delay upon Closing.

At every stage, our team provides support and guidance, ensuring your experience is seamless. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. We're here to help you every step of the way.

In total, depending on the complexity of the transaction, it could take as few as six months and as many as nine or more months from submitting the purchaser application to closing on the sale of the property.

As the transaction is being finalized, the purchaser ideally is nearing the acquisition of planning approvals and can commence construction without delay upon Closing.

At every stage, our team provides support and guidance, ensuring your experience is seamless. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. We're here to help you every step of the way.

The City's new industrial land

Constellation Industrial Park, our latest industrial opportunity.

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