Real Estate & Development Services

Real Estate FAQ's

Frequently Asked Questions

How is The City involved in Real Estate sales?

RE&DS holds one of the most active commercial, industrial and business park portfolios in Western Canada, providing investors and businesses access to premier developable land throughout Calgary and has sold land assets for over 50 years.​

Who is Real Estate & Development Services (RE&DS)?

​The Real Estate & Development Services (RE&DS) is the development arm for The City of Calgary. RE&DS works to develop and sell City-owned land to create vibrant communities, attract diverse and quality employers, support the development of affordable housing and complete the acquisition of land for future infrastructure.​​

How do I contact Real Estate & Development Services (RE&DS)?

​Have a question, issue or concern? Contact Real Estate & Development Services (RE&DS) by:

  • Calling the Sales Negotiator associated with the listing you are interested in. The agent's details are found under the property listing profile on the Contact page.
  • Email for your inquiry to be processed and directed to an appropriate contact within our division.
  • Call 403-268-8979 to be connected to a sales negotiator, leave us a voice message or contact the office administrator.

Sign up here to receive listing information and news updates directly to your email.​


Real Estate Sales

How do I find out if City land is for sale?

​All properties and lands available for sale are listed on The City of Calgary Real Estate website.​

What if the property I am interested in is City owned but is not listed on The City of Calgary Real Estate website?

If you are interested in a property that is not listed for sale on the City of Calgary Real Estate website, or if you are interested in purchasing City land that is adjacent to a property you own, you can complete and submit a 311 3-1-1 Property Leasing and Sales Inquiry.​

What kind of information is important for me to include in the Property Leasing and Sales Inquiry?

​Including the information below will assist us in doing a better job of completing your request:

  • The address and a map (in JPEG format) of the area of the property you are interested in. Our Property Leasing and Sales Inquiry online tool has a built-in Google Map to locate the address.
  • Type of property options are: Commercial Property, Industrial Property or Residential Property. If you are unsure of the use, leave this section blank
  • Under Additional Comments, include the reason you would like to purchase the property.
  • Please indicate if you own adjacent land.
  • Don't forget your contact information!

The information in the Property Leasing and Sales Inquiry is collected under the authority of section 33 (c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act for the purposes of responding to your inquiry with The City of Calgary. It is protected by the privacy provisions of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.​

What if I am interested in purchasing in an area without a specific address?

​To submit a Property Leasing and Sales Inquiry, you must provide an address, adjacent address or intersection with details stating the specific area of interest.

For Sales please note that:
  • All City-owned land will be sold at market value.
  • After completion of the circulation process, it can take up to six (6) months for the sales team to prepare the file and contact you.
  • If the inquiry is for the purchase of a road, lane or the associated right-of-way, please understand the timeframe, costs and procedures vary significantly. Upon receipt of your inquiry, our team will contact you with detailed requirements for these types of applications.

What happens after my Property Leasing and Sales Inquiry is submitted?

​You will hear from a City representative within seven business days of submitting a Property Leasing and Sales Inquiry online. They will confirm that the inquiry was received and to inform you of the next steps. If required, additional information may be requested.​

How do I know if a property is 'Conditionally sold'?

​The City of Calgary does not operate under offer and acceptance as the private sector does, as such 'Conditionally Sold' is not a term that is used. The sale process does contain certain 'milestones' which when achieved will be communicated to the potential purchaser. Such 'milestones' are when corporate approval for the transaction is obtained or when a condition precedent is satisfied. Ultimately the transaction is not final until the purchase and sale agreement is fully executed and ownership is transferred.​

What do you mean by 'Not available for sale'?

​Properties will be identified with this term when the Sales Negotiator is already negotiating terms and conditions of the potential sale of the property with another party.​

What do you mean by 'Application process closed'?

When most City of Calgary properties are released to the market for sale, the Sales Negotiator will accept application forms for that property for a specified amount of time. When that deadline passes, the Sales Negotiator will then review the applications. At this point the application process is closed. Once the successful applicant is identified, the Sales Negotiator will commence negotiations with them.​

What can I develop on a property?

​Planning & Development (PD) provide guidance to planning and development across the city including the use of a building. To inquire about your property plans contact Planning & Development.​

Why does The City require building commitment?

​The City requires a building commitment because The City's intent is to see the lands developed. Development provides city benefits by increasing the non residential tax base as well as stimulating the economy and creating jobs.​

What is the payment of Finder's Fees and how are they calculated?

​Fees paid to licensed associates/brokers for property sales are calculated in steps, with a maximum fee within specific sale price ranges.

The Finder's Fee steps reflect findings of a comprehensive review of standard practices and fee structures currently being used by other municipalities and developer/owners. The fee structure ensures consistency, transparency and our duty to represent the best interests of the citizens.

Visit our Finder's Fee page for more details on our Finder's Fee structure and breakdown of calculations.​

When are Finder's Fees paid?

Fees paid to licensed associates/brokers for property sales are calculated in steps, with a maximum fee within specific sale price ranges. For more information see Finder's Fees.

What are the Calgary Land Use Bylaws?

​The Land Use Bylaw is a statutory document that:

  • identifies and designates different land use districts within the City boundaries as shown on the land use maps;
  • specifies permitted and discretionary uses and development rules (minimum standards) for each land use district;
  • identifies general rules and regulations for development such as height, setbacks, parking, floodplains, etc. within every designated district;
  • specifies provisions and decision making process for land use amendment (redesignation);
  • specifies provisions and decision making process for appeal development decisions; and
  • specifies provisions and/or rules for relaxations.

Two electronic versions of Land Use Bylaw 1P2007 are provided here for reference.

Online versions of Bylaw 1P2007 are updated each time the Land Use Bylaw is amended; however for official purposes citizens should consult the documents in the Office of the City Clerk.

For inquiries about Land Use Bylaw 1P2007 please call Bylaw Services on 403-268-5311.​


How do I lease a property from The City?

​The City of Calgary owns properties and land that are available for lease until required for municipal purposes. View current leasing opportunities on the Listings page. The leasing process​ outlines the steps necessary to negotiate a mutually acceptable lease with The City.


What is a Real Estate Property Leasing and Sales Inquiry?

​A Property Leasing and Sales Inquiry is a City of Calgary 3-1-1 online tool to:

  • Express an interest to purchase, lease or obtain a License of Occupation on City-owned lands and / or properties that are not already listed.
  • Put forward an offer to sell privately-owned lands / properties to The City.

How do I find out if City Property is available for lease?

​All Real Estate properties and land available for lease are listed on the Listings page.​

What happens after my Property Leasing and Sales Inquiry is submitted?

​You will hear from a City representative within seven business days of submitting a Property Leasing and Sales inquiry. They will confirm that the property leasing inquiry was received and inform you of the next steps.​

What if I am interested in leasing in an area of interest without a specific address?

​To submit a Property Leasing and Sales inquiry​, you need to provide an address, an adjacent address, or intersection with details stating the specific area of interest.

I have an inquiry about leasing City-owned land. Who do I contact?

Email or contact 311 (403-268-2489 if calling from outside of Calgary).

Do I need a lawyer?

​During any negotiations, The City of Calgary Law Department will provide the necessary agreements. You may hire a lawyer at your discretion to review the documents for you.​

What is the approval process for a negotiated transaction?

​After the submission deadline, leasing expressions of interest are reviewed in the order received. All applicants are contacted to confirm whether or not The City of Calgary will negotiate a formal agreement. The City of Calgary reserves the right to negotiate with only those parties that The City of Calgary so determines in its sole discretion.

All agreements are subject to approval based on Council policy for real estate transactions.

After initial negotiations, the agent in charge of your file prepares a "Land Report." The Land Report is reviewed by three committees:

  1. Management Real Estate Review Committee (MRER)
    MRER is an administrative body comprised of the General Manager of the Deput City Manager's Office department, the Director, Managers and Coordinators of the Real Estate & Development Services business unit, and a representative from the City Law and Finance departments. The committee will either approve, revise or reject the proposal. If approved and if required, the committee forwards the Land Report to the Standing Policy Committee on Utilities and Corporate Services.

  2. Utilities and Corporate Services Committee (UCS)
    UCS ​is made up of seven members of Council. Real Estate & Development Services presents MRER-approved Land Reports to UCS for approval. The committee will either approve, revise or reject the proposal. If approved, the Land Report is forwarded to City Council.

  3. City Council
    The General Manager of the Deputy City Manager's Office department presents the Land Report at a business meeting of City Council. City Council will either approve, revise or reject the proposal.

At each step in the review process, the Land Report can be approved, revised or rejected. If the report is revised or rejected, the agent in charge of the file keeps you updated as to reasons and your options. You may have the option to rework the expression of interest and resubmit your proposal.

How long does it take to process an expression of interest?

​The expression of interest for property transaction is processed in four phases: review, negotiation, approval, and processing.


Expressions of interest are not reviewed until after the deadline date stated in the listing. After the deadline date, expressions of interest will be reviewed as received. We will review your expression of interest and contact you to confirm whether or not The City of Calgary will negotiate a formal Lease/License Agreement.

The review phase usually takes four to eight weeks.


The negotiation phase has no set time limit and depends on the time required to reach an agreement between you and the agent.


The approval phase takes between four and eight weeks depending on whether or not revisions were requested during the approval process. The timing is also dependent on the scheduling of Council meetings.

See What is the approval process for a negotiated transaction? for more information on this phase.


After approval, the time required averages six to eight weeks, but may be longer depending on the complexities.

What happens once a negotiated transaction is approved?

​If the negotiated transaction is approved, the agent in charge of your file will notify you.

Additional information will be required such as your Goods and Services Tax (GST) number, your legal address for serving notices, your lawyer's information, etc.

The City of Calgary Law Department will prepare draft documents to send to your lawyer. Once you have reviewed the documentation with your lawyer, a final set of documents will be prepared for execution and sent to you through your lawyer.​


Why do I need an encroachment agreement?

Encroachment Bylaw 9M2020 requires that formal approval for any existing or proposed encroachments must be obtained from The City. If approved, the private landowner is required to enter into an encroachment agreement. If an owner is unwilling to enter into an encroachment agreement, they are required to remove the encroachment.

What do I need to do to apply for permission for an encroachment?

For existing encroachments please visit: Existing encroachments (

For proposed encroachments (an encroachment that has not yet been developed/constructed), please visit: Proposed Encroachment Process (

Do I need photographs to apply for an encroachment?

Yes. Photographs are required with your application.

Can anybody make an application?

​By following the steps above, anybody can make an application.​

Do I need a lawyer to apply for an encroachment?

You may choose to consult a lawyer if you think your application is complex.​

What happens in the application process?

Your Real Property Report and supporting documents will be reviewed by the Encroachments team and, if required, circulated to affected City business units (e.g. Roads, Waste Water) and utility companies for approval or refusal.

How long does it take to process an encroachment application?

Please visit for our current processing times.

Does The City check for encroachments?

Bylaw enforcement officers work closely with developers to avoid infractions and encroachments during the construction phase. They also check regularly for encroachments elsewhere.​

How much does an encroachment application cost?

An Application and Encroachment Fee Schedule can be found on our main Encroachment page at The fees depend on the type and extent of the encroachment(s) and are required at the time of application. Fees must be paid by cheque or City Online payments only. If paying by cheque please make cheques payable to The City of Calgary. If you have any questions you can email in regards to sending in your Real Property Report to us and we will reply via email as to which application fee, if any, is relevant to your property.


Who are Planning & Development?

​The Planning & Development (PD) department fulfills Calgary's vision for a great city by stewarding the creation, redevelopment and valuation of vibrant, sustainable communities. PD does this by working collaboratively with citizens and stakeholders to develop land use policies and services that support land use and development manage population growth, and regional planning.

Planning & Development also reviews development and building applications and ensures building safety by performing building inspections, in addition to assessing all city properties and businesses to support The City's financial sustainability.

For more information visit the Planning & Development Department.​

What is Transit Oriented Development?

​Transit oriented development (TOD) is a walkable, mixed-use form of area development typically focused within a 600m radius of a transit station, a Light Rail Transit (LRT) station or Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) stop, prior to the arrival of LRT.

This form of development utilizes existing infrastructure, optimizes use of the transit network and creates mobility options for transit riders and the local community. Successful TOD provides a mix of land uses and densities that create a convenient, interesting and vibrant community for local residents and visitors alike.

For more information regarding the framework and development of TODs visit Planning & Development: What is Transit Orientated Development (TOD)?

How does The City contribute to Affordable Housing solutions?

​The role The City of Calgary plays in providing and facilitating the provision of affordable housing requires a comprehensive corporate-wide strategy that allows for flexibility to respond to changing environments.

In Calgary, municipal resources (including staff, land and tax-supported funding) are contributed to creating affordable housing options.

Visit for more detail.​

What is the real property bylaw?

Bylaw 492022, the Real Property Bylaw, provides clearly defined business processes for all real estate transactions.

How does The City acquire real estate?

The City’s intent in acquiring real estate for any purpose is to be both fair and reasonable with the property owner. The acquisition process and other frequently asked questions are addressed in the real estate acquisition process FAQ document.
