Alert | State of Local Emergency in Effect

Effective July 2, indoor water-saving measures have eased. Outdoor Water Restrictions and fire ban remain in place. The city remains in a State of Local Emergency.

Water Saving Tips, FAQs, more information
Calgary Police Service

Multi Agency School Support Team (MASST)

Supported by the Calgary Police Foundation, the Multi-Agency School Support Team (MASST) is a partnership between the Calgary Police Service, The City of Calgary, and Alberta Health Services

MASST facilitates the early identification of high-risk behavior and the delivery of prevention and early intervention services to children aged five to 12. MASST promotes risk assessment and access to social support services through police, social workers, and mental health clinicians, to increase the likelihood youth and their families can manage risks and maintain positive lifestyles.

Each team consists of a police officer and a registered social worker working closely with the Calgary school boards.

Risk factors addressed by MASST

  • Exhibiting a pattern of negative behaviours at school, home or in the community. If addressed, can stop possible involvement in the youth justice system.
  • Pattern of victimization at school or in the community.
  • Seeking recognition and belonging from negative influences.
  • Parents may require extra family supports.
  • Sibling or parent might be involved in the justice system.
  • Limited attachment to the community.

MASST works with children, families, educators, and the community to:

  • Build on children’s strengths so they can thrive at school, home and in the community.
  • Connect children to constructive and prosocial activities after school.
  • Increase social skills and positive friendships.
  • Strengthen children’s relationships with        classmates and teachers.
  • Share ideas on parenting aimed at creating a safe, healthy, and peaceful home environment.
  • Increase access to supports around mental health concerns.

MASST referrals

Referrals to MASST come through the Calgary Board of Education and the Calgary Catholic School District. Parents are encouraged to speak with school administrators and school administrators are encouraged to speak with area specialists.

For more information on MASST, please email the team at or call 403-428-5808.


In an emergency always call 911

Non-emergency 403-266-1234