Scotia Place Construction

Construction timeline

Work began in 2023 to prepare the site for the future Scotia Place, Calgary’s new event centre.

After moving utilities and the elm tree, dissembling and storing the Stephenson & Co. Grocers building, and opening 5A Street, the area is now clear and ready for work to begin on the venue.

The first step for constructing the venue begins with digging a hole, which was kicked off at the groundbreaking ceremony on July 22. The development permit application process is underway, which we expect to be completed by the end of 2024.

Opening day is scheduled for fall 2027 (just in time for the Calgary Flames to begin their 2027/2028 NHL season).


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Fall 2023

Start Date | End Date

Agreements Signed

Definitive agreements signed between The City, CSEC, and the Province.

Design Phase Begins

Project team started the design phase of Scotia Place, community rink, and public plazas. 


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Winter/Spring 2024

Start Date | End Date

Development permit submission

The first two development permits submitted to facilitate construction: a stripping and grading permit and a shoring and excavating permit.

Site preparation began

Preparation work for Scotia Place began, including relocating utilities along 5 Street S.E. 

5A Street construction

Enabling work began, including relocating utilities, to move 5 Street S.E. to the east. 

Victoria Park elm tree removal

The Victoria Park Elm Tree located at the site of the future Event Centre was removed to prepare for construction.

Read more below.

6 Street S.E. underpass

Construction on the 6 Street S.E. underpass began.

Read more below.


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Summer 2024

Start Date | End Date

Stephenson & Co Grocers building

Deconstruction of the Stephenson & Co Grocers building began and will be stored off site until it is integrated into the Food Hall along 12th Ave.

Read more below. 

5A Street construction

Construction of 5A Street SE completed and the road is open for use.

Read more below. 

Development permit submission

The final Development Permit submission for the building design components including the façade and interior layout

Design reveal and ground breaking

Unveiling of the new Scotia Place design, and ground breaking events.


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Fall 2024 Construction

Start Date | End Date

Targeting the start of construction.


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Winter 2024/2025 Final building permit approved

Start Date | End Date


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Fall 2027 Hand over keys

Start Date | End Date

The City of Calgary will hand over keys to the tenant (CSEC) fall 2027 and the event centre will be open to the public for the 2027/2028 NHL hockey season.

Culture + Entertainment District construction at a glance

Construction is underway on several major city-building projects within Calgary’s evolving Culture + Entertainment District. For a full list of road and sidewalk impacts in the area, please visit the C+E Access Map for real-time construction updates.

Victoria Park elm tree

Though the Victoria Park Elm Tree has been removed, a commitment to honouring its legacy and significance persists. Several preservation efforts, both completed and underway, will ensure the essence of the Victoria Park Elm will live on into future generations.

In 2021, The City partnered with The University of Calgary to digitally capture the tree. The tree was scanned from twelve locations with a terrestrial laser scanner and is now part of their Alberta Digital Heritage Archive, and a short feature about the elm tree was created. 

Calgary Parks also collected approximately 150 seeds directly from the tree itself, some of which have already been propagated in a city tree nursery. As of February 2024, the seedlings were between 6-18 inches tall.

Additionally, branches were cut from the tree and are also being cultivated into new and self-supporting trees of their own. If these branches propagate successfully, they will result in genetically identical trees to the Victoria Park Elm that can be re-planted back into Calgary’s urban forest. Currently, they are in the initial stages of establishment with hopes of rooting and leafing this spring.

Seedlings and cuttings take several years to propagate. While the success rate is not guaranteed and often unpredictable, we are hopeful that between 100 – 200 trees will be re-planted into Calgary’s urban forest in the coming years between all the preservation efforts underway.

Ideas and suggestions on how to repurpose the wood from the public is welcomed. If you have an idea you’d like to share, please submit it to

5A Street S.E.

To make the space and room necessary for the full 10-acre Scotia Place, 5 Street S.E. needed to be shifted to the east to become 5A Street S.E. In early 2024, underground service work commenced. In the months following, crews constructed the new utilities and paved the new 5A Street S.E., meeting the target of a summer 2024 completion date.

Stephenson & Co Grocers

The Stephenson & Co Grocers building, located at the corner of 13 Avenue S.E. and 5 Street S.E., stood as a testament to Calgary's rich history. It has been deconstructed and will be stored off site until it can be integrated into the Food Hall along 12th Ave. Although it has been removed from its original location it will regain its prominence as part of an urban retail street and the greater community.

6 Street S.E. underpass

Construction on the 6 Street S.E. underpass will be delivered in close coordination with neighbouring projects including Scotia Place, Stampede Trail and the Green Line LRT project. This critical north-south connector will facilitate seamless integration of Scotia Place into The Culture + Entertainment District.  The project is being funded through provincial commitments that support the development of district infrastructure in the area and will be delivered by CMLC.  For more information, visit Calgary Municipal Land Corporation’s project website.

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