Lead artists

The WATERSHED+ program was developed by a multidisciplinary team lead by artists Sans façon through the UEP Public Art Plan. Working collaboratively with a project manager and a core group of advisors and water management subject matter experts, Sans façon has been selected as the lead artist for the pilot period (September 2011 through June 2016) to establish and implement the initiatives of WATERSHED+.

Sans façon is a Calgary-based art practice thatresponds to the relationship between people and place. Working internationally, their approach renews awareness and tempts interaction with the surroundings and is realized through networks of communities, organizations and individuals.


WATERSHED+ is a program that embeds artists and artistic practices within Utilities and Environmental Protection (UEP) department core activities and the Calgary watershed. By enhancing existing opportunities and developing new creative endeavors, the vision of WATERSHED+ is to build an emotional connection between people and their watershed.

Watershed+ is hosted by The City of Calgary’s UEP department with the Public Art Program. To read more, download the WATERSHED+ manual.

Artist residencies

Throughout 2013 and 2014, four artists were in residence at various studios including Ralph Klein Park (RKP), TELUS Spark and Stride Gallery. Through their residency, each artist engaged the community in a dialogue and explored issues relevant to Calgary’s watershed, water management and the RKP environment.

Artist mentorships

Throughout 2012/2013, three artists were selected through an open call to mentor under WATERSHED+ lead artists Sans façon. During that time, interdisciplinary artist Randy Niessen, Environmental and Graphic Designer Daniel Puloski and Bow Valley sculptor Peig Abbott helped in the development and implementation of WATERSHED+.

Awards & recognition
