Alert | State of Local Emergency in Effect

Effective July 2, indoor water-saving measures have eased. Outdoor Water Restrictions and fire ban remain in place. The city remains in a State of Local Emergency.

Water Saving Tips, FAQs, more information
Calgary Police Service

Vulnerable sector verification FAQs

  1. Why am I required to undergo a vulnerable sector verification?

    Some organizations may require a vulnerable sector verification by their own choice. Potential employees or volunteers are therefore required to attend their local police agency for verifications. Some examples of individuals who are required to undergo this process may include teachers, social workers, daycare providers, coaches, care providers, counselors, camp providers, bus drivers and students preparing for work terms with the vulnerable sector. Some licensing requirements also require a Vulnerable Sector Verification record search for security guards and locksmiths.

  2. How do I submit fingerprints as part of the vulnerable sector verification?

    Please see vulnerable sector verifications - requests for information for step-by-step instructions.

  3. How much does it cost to submit my fingerprints?

    It costs $25 to search your fingerprints if it's for employment or unpaid practicum student purposes. Volunteer applicants are free of charge as long as you can provide a volunteer letter from your organization.

    If you receive any sort of remuneration (payment or money), you're considered an employment applicant and must pay the $25 fee. This is also applicable if you are undergoing the verification because of your spouse. For instance, if you are required to undergo a verification because of your spouse's in-home daycare, you are subject to the $25 fee since he/she is receiving remuneration.

  4. If I'm required to submit my fingerprints, does that mean I am associated to a pardon for a sex related offence?

    Receiving a notice from the Calgary Police Service that fingerprint submission is required in no way suggests that the applicant is the subject of a pardon for a sexual offence. It means the results are 'inconclusive' based on the name, date of birth and gender search against the pardoned sex offender database.

  5. How are the vulnerable sector verifications processed?

    A name based vulnerable sector record search (using the pardoned sex offender database) will be conducted on all individuals in a position of trust that will be dealing with the vulnerable sector. This record search must be performed by the police service at the local jurisdiction where the applicant resides.

    Once your completed application is received by the Calgary Police Service, your name, date of birth and gender is checked on national, provincial and Calgary Police database to determine the existence of any criminal convictions, outstanding charges or incidents of any relevant police information.

    A vulnerable sector record search is then conducted through the Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC), administered by the Ottawa RCMP - CCRTIS (Canadian Criminal Real Time Identification Service) which checks for pardoned sex offender files.

  6. How long does the vulnerable sector verification record search take?

    If fingerprints are not matched to a criminal file, the estimated processing times is approximately 2-4 weeks. If fingerprints are matched to a criminal file or any criminal conviction, the estimated processing time could be in excess of 120 days.

  7. What does the Canadian Criminal Real Time Identification Service (CCRTIS) do with my fingerprints?

    If your fingerprints match a pardoned sex offender related file, CCRTIS will make a request to the Minister of Public Safety to disclose the relevant pardoned sex offender record. Once the right to disclose the relevant pardoned sex offender record from the Minister of Public Safety is received, the CCRTIS will send the pardoned sex offender record to the relevant police service who submitted the original request.

    If your fingerprints do not match a pardoned sex offender related file, the CCRTIS will send a certificate letter to the relevant police service who submitted the original request, stating the vulnerable sector record search was performed and the result was negative.

    CCRTIS will ensure all documents meet the requirements of the Criminal Records Act and Privacy Act.

  8. What happens to my fingerprints afterwards?

    Once completed, fingerprint submissions are retained for 90 days and then destroyed by the Canadian Real Time Identification Service (CCRTIS). Your fingerprints are not added to the RCMP National Repository of Criminal Records or retained for future searching purposes.

  9. Why don't all individuals have to submit their fingerprints during the vulnerable sector verification?

    If the results indicate 'conclusively' that there is 'no match', the vulnerable sector verification record search is complete and fingerprints are not required.

  10. Can I be employed or volunteer while I am waiting for the results?

    The employer or volunteer agency is responsible for determining your eligibility with their organization.

  11. Are vulnerable sector verifications performed for adoptive parents?

    Please visit police information checks for adoptions for more information.

  12. Can a Vulnerable Sector Verification be conducted for a country other than Canada?

    No, vulnerable sector verifications apply to Canadian organizations only. For a country other than Canada, contact the organization to determine their requirements, and then call the country's embassy in Canada.

    You may also contact the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT).

  13. Where can I get more information about the vulnerable sector screening process?

    Please visit the RCMP's vulnerable sector check section for more information or see our Vulnerable Sector Information Sheet and FAQ


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