Road contractors and consultants

There are a number of policy and specification manuals that are important to contractors and consultants who perform work for The City of Calgary.

Standard Specifications Road Construction

The Standard Specifications for Road Construction indicates the minimum standards for the design and construction / rehabilitation of road infrastructure owned by The City of Calgary. The document serves as a standard reference consistent with the current practice. Certain modifications necessary to suit the requirements of a specific project are specified in the contract as supplementary specifications or special provisions.

Bulletins related to Standard Specifications for Road Construction

The following documents clarify specific items in the Standard Specifications for Road Construction:


Bulletin number Title Effective date

Replacing Marshall Mix "C" with 12.5mm Superpave Mix


Revision to Concrete Sidewalk Structure


Temporary Traffic Control Manual

The Temporary Traffic Control Manual (updated March 25, 2021) is intended as a practical working reference to be used by private contractors, consultants, utility companies and City personnel. Uniform standards and procedures are set out in this manual and will be adhered to when working on or adjacent to roadways under the jurisdiction of The City of Calgary. Includes information on working on City right-of-ways, performance guidelines, traffic control devices and incident/emergency procedures.

See the Temporary Traffic Control Plan Requirement Flow Chart (updated December 13, 2023)

Street light developer, consultants and contractors

There are a number of policy and specification manuals that are important to street light developers, consultants and contractors who perform work for The City of Calgary.

Road contractors - Gravel and asphalt material for sale

The City of Calgary's Asphalt Plant produces and supplies gravel and asphalt for use in the construction and maintenance of roadwork, paving and utility repairs. The plant is capable of producing up to 240 tonnes per hour of various mixes for paving work. The plant is open 12 months of the year, seven days a week, and is the only source of hot mix asphalt in Calgary during the winter months. The asphalt plant will be closed on all statutory holidays unless prior arrangements are made. The plant provides products primarily to City crews, but due to its centralized location, also makes its products available for purchase to private contractors.

Environmental Construction

Roads Business Unit ISO 14001 Registration Certified

Organizations that achieve ISO 14001 registration demonstrate (through independent verifier) that they have a sound environmental policy, they have an effective environmental management system to support their policy, they are committed to complying with or exceeding environmental legislation and protecting the environment, and they are committed to continually improving their environmental performance.

Environmental Construction Operations (ECO) Plan Framework

The purpose of the Environmental Constructions Operations (ECO) Plan Framework is to provide instructions to contractors and consultants on ECO Plan development. An ECO Plan is a contractor’s plan for the identification and mitigation of potential environmental impacts that may occur as a result of their activities and may be required by The City of Calgary before work begins. The Framework is meant to help contractors and consultants streamline the process of filing an ECO Plan and contains the ECO Plan checklist which must be completed.

This information has no legal status and cannot be used as an official interpretation of the various bylaws, codes and regulations currently in effect. The City of Calgary accepts no responsibility to persons relying solely on this information. Web pages are updated periodically. ​
