Alert | State of Local Emergency in Effect

Effective July 2, indoor water-saving measures have eased. Outdoor Water Restrictions and fire ban remain in place. The city remains in a State of Local Emergency.

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Better Every Day 2023 Q3-Q4 - The Mental Health Issue

Message from the Chief Administrative Officer

No matter our age, race, gender, or income, we can all experience stress and challenges to our mental health. As the number of daylight hours seem to disappear during winter, many residents of the northern hemisphere can feel a bit more blue. We all have stories to share about mental health, stories borne from personal experience, or through loved ones. We know that resiliency, a sense of belonging, and the power of connection influence not only our individual lives but also the vitality of our entire community. Our hope is every Calgarian can reach their potential and have the support to deal with the average stresses that life inevitably brings.

The City is committed to helping Calgarians who are confronting mental health challenges to make the critical connections they need – to one another and to our community of excellent partner organizations. Central to the development and implementation of the Calgary Mental Health and Addiction Community Strategy and Action Plan lies a vision of helping Calgarians live well by creating hope, improving quality of life, and strengthening support for people, families, and communities living with mental health issues and addictions. Working together with community-based and grass-roots organizations can more effectively address the needs of Calgarians within the familiar surroundings of their homes, schools, workplaces, and community, and transform how to respond to people and families in crisis.

It is important we build a community where people can talk about their mental health and can ask for help when they need it. While one in five Calgarians will experience a mental health issue or prolonged illness in their lifetime, five in five Calgarians can help make life better. Together, we can reduce stigma and shame by understanding these issues affect us all; that healing and recovery is possible. This edition of Better Every Day shares a selection of stories that exemplify the resilience and strength of our community, and the expertise found in our amazing partner organizations. These stories are representative of the shared journey we are on to nurture a culture where mental health is a conversation we all participate in, and where support is readily available for those in need.

David Duckworth P. Eng, MBA

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Categories: Better Every Day issues
