Resilient Calgary

Resilience and futures

Making sure Calgary can adapt and succeed, no matter what challenges come our way.

Using methods in futures studies, we can better anticipate and prepare for potential future disruptions and opportunities, increasing our ability to adapt with agility and thrive sustainably. The City’s Resilience & Futures team offers futures literacy and strategic foresight services and supports to Calgary’s communities and The City of Calgary, helping make our city stronger.

Message from Christine Arthurs

Christine Arthurs 
General Manager of People, Innovation & Collaboration Services (PICS) and City Resilience Officer.

At its heart, our Resilient Calgary strategy intends to support the people, communities, institutions, businesses, and systems in our city to survive, adapt, and grow. This support is crucial no matter what kind of chronic stresses and acute shocks we experience. Our work is about identifying these stresses and shocks, some of which we could never have imagined a year ago. We then create strategies and actions that, when implemented, help build resilience in our city.

Shocks can be anything that immediately disrupts us, like floods, fires, or pandemics.  Stresses include high unemployment, poverty, and water shortages—things that are chronic and build an impact over time. The Resilient Calgary strategy has been designed to help focus on these potential disruptions. It aims to increase our knowledge and leverage actions we can take together.

As we keep our focus on the future, the strategy outlines how we are applying a resilience lens. We are also using foresight tools on planning, strategies, and budgets.

Approved by Council in June 2019, the Resilient Calgary strategy outlines the work we’re doing together to strengthen Calgary’s resilience. The strategy document is a product of an inclusive process. It involved Calgarians and public servants sharing their diverse backgrounds, knowledge, and expertise. I deeply value all the collective efforts identified in the strategies and actions. These efforts support a strong economy, an inclusive future, valued natural spaces, and optimized infrastructure investment. Together, we can rise to any challenge and thrive.
