Alert | State of Local Emergency in Effect

Effective July 2, indoor water-saving measures have eased. Outdoor Water Restrictions and fire ban remain in place. The city remains in a State of Local Emergency.

Water Saving Tips, FAQs, more information

These activities will help youth build awareness and learn about their country. They can be done alone, but work best with friends over a video chat such as Skype, Zoom, Facetime, etc.

Mindfulness Activity

p>Trivia question: What is the national animal of Canada?
A) Moose    B) Eagle    C) Beaver

Mindfulness activity:

  • Sit down so you're comfortable.
  • Notice 1 thing you can taste.
  • Notice 2 things you can smell.
  • Notice 3 things you can feel.
  • Notice 4 things you can hear.
  • Finally, notice 5 things you can see.

Canada Flag Puzzle


  • Blank Paper
  • Markers
  • Scissors
  • Have your child use a red marker to colour their own Canadian flag on a blank piece of paper.
  • Help your child draw puzzle lines over the flag.
  • Have them cut out the puzzle pieces and see if they can put it back together!

Camping Trip


  • Blankets
  • Rope
  • Rocks
  • Tarp

Canada has dense forests and big mountains. When it's warm out in the summer, a lot of Canadians like to go camping.

  • Imagine that you’re going camping in the forest.
  • Have your child build their own campsite in your house, or in your backyard.

Make sure there’s shelter to sleep in at night (like a tent) and somewhere to cook food. Try to use what you can find around your house.​

Tabletop Hockey Rink


  • Cookie Sheet or foil pan
  • Glue or tape
  • White paper
  • Markers
  • Scissors
  • Pipe cleaner
  • Marble or small ball

Hockey is one of the most popular winter sports in Canada. Make your own tabletop hockey rink with a cookie sheet or foil baking pan.

  • Have your child cut a piece of white paper to fit the inside of the pan.
  • Glue or tape the paper down. This is your ice.
  • Using red markers, draw the lines on the ice.
  • Make 2 nets out of pipe cleaners to put on each side of your rink and tape them down.
  • Use markers as mini hockey sticks and a marble, small ball or bottle cap as the puck.
  • You can also pour a small layer of water onto your rink and let it freeze overnight to have a real ice rink.

Review Questions

Ask your child:

  • Do you like living in Canada?
  • What do you think are the best things about Canada?
  • How can we make Canada a place where everyone feels welcome?

Trivia Answers

Mindfulness Activity Answer: C) Beaver​
