Alert | State of Local Emergency in Effect

Effective July 2, indoor water-saving measures have eased. Outdoor Water Restrictions and fire ban remain in place. The city remains in a State of Local Emergency.

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Wellness day 5 grades K - 3 learning activities

This activity plan is for active and silly kids who like to keep moving and think about who they are. You can do just one activity or you can do all of them as a longer set of activities.

Duration: 60 - 90 Minutes


Mindfulness Activity 1

Time: 5 minutes

Trivia question: Think of the answer in your head. What movie has a character named Elsa?

Mindfulness activity:

  • Slowly raise your hands in the air and take a deep breath in.
  • Hold it there for 3-5 seconds.
  • Now slowly lower your hands to the floor and breathe out as much as you can.

Do You Like It?


Time: 5-10 minutes

Find a space in your home that you can split in half, and have your child stand in the middle.

  • Point to one side of the space, and tell your child that side is for things you like to do.
  • Point to the other side of the space, and tell your child that side is for things you have to do, even when you don’t like to do them.
  • Next, read the following activities. Have your child choose if they like to do the activity or if it’s something they have to do. Then have them go to that side of the room using the action in brackets.
    • Brushing your teeth (hop)
    • Baking (walk on your tiptoes)
    • Doing homework (walk like a crab)
    • Waking up (skip)
    • Going to the movies (giant steps)
    • Playing soccer (bear crawl)
    • Playing Lego (hop on one foot)
    • Add activities based on your child’s interests and tasks

When you are done, ask your child how they can feel excited to do things they have to do, even when they don’t like doing them.​

Bum Spell


Time: 5-10 minutes

Have your child spell words in the air with their bum. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Bum
  • Yo-yo
  • Their name
  • Calgary
  • Pizza
  • Their favourite activities, food, etc.

Mindfulness Activity 2


Time: 5 minutes

Trivia question: Think of the answer in your head. What animal is spelled R-H-I-N-O-C-E-R-O-S?

Mindfulness activity:

  • Slowly raise your hands in the air and take a deep breath in.
  • Hold it there for 3-5 seconds.
  • Now slowly lower your hands to the floor and breathe out as much as you can.

Scales of Motivation


Based on The Motivation Breakthrough: 6 Secrets to Turning On the Tuned-Out Child

Time: 5-10 minutes

Supplies: 3 pillows

In an open space, set up three pillows in a line. Ask your child how much the things below motivate them. Then have them hop onto one of the three pillows to show their answer. The first pillow means "not at all", the second pillow means "a little" and the third pillow represents "a lot".

  • How motivated are you when people tell you that you are doing great? A lot, a little, or not at all?
  • How motivated are you when you get to be the boss? A lot, a little, or not at all?
  • How motivated are you when you get to have new ideas and create things? A lot, a little, or not at all?
  • How motivated are you when you get to be with your friends? A lot, a little, or not at all?
  • How motivated are you when you are going to get a prize or a reward? A lot, a little, or not at all?
  • How motivated are you when you feel like you are very important? A lot, a little, or not at all?

Hallway Foosball


Time: 10-15 minutes

Supplies: large ball (soft is best)

  • Stand facing your child in a hallway, about 2 metres apart.
  • Spread your legs wider than shoulder-width apart.
  • Bend at the waist and hold your hands together like a big fist. The goal is to hit the ball with your hands, and score by getting the ball between each other’s legs. Play to 5 or 10 goals.

Little Helpers


Time: 10-15 minutes


  • Blank paper
  • Markers
  • Make four sections on the paper by drawing lines up and down the middle of the page and left to right in the middle of the page.
  • Ask your child to draw something in each section to show ways they can help at home next week.
  • When they are done, ask them to share what they came up with.
  • Make a plan for them to help out with those things.

Mindfulness Activity 3


Time: 5 minutes

Trivia question: Think of the answer in your head. What is 10 minus 3?

Mindfulness activity:

  • Slowly raise your hands in the air and take a deep breath in.
  • Hold it there for 3-5 seconds.
  • Now slowly lower your hands to the floor and breathe out as much as you can.

Pink Toe


Time: 10-15 minutes

  • Call out a colour and a body part.
  • Have your child find an object in the room that is that colour, and then touch the object with the chosen body part (for example, if you call out "red nose", your child should find an object that is red and touch it with their nose).

Trivia Answers


Mindfulness Activity 1: Frozen

Mindfulness Activity 2: Rhinoceros

Mindfulness Activity 3: 7​
