Inclusive playgrounds
Inclusive playground locations
Diamond Cove
Under constructionDiamond Cove inclusive playground
Edworthy Park inclusive playground
Elliston Park inclusive playground
Hidden Hut inclusive playground
North Glenmore Park inclusive playground
Under constructionOgden inclusive playground
Ramsay inclusive playground
Sandy Beach inclusive playground
Shouldice Canadian Tire Jumpstart inclusive playground
Somerset inclusive playground
South Glenmore Park inclusive playground
Ted Harrison inclusive playground
Thorncliffe Greenview Inclusive Playground
Vivo inclusive playground
West Hillhurst
Under constructionWest Hillhurst inclusive playground
Playground location criteria
The City aims to have one inclusive play space or recreational opportunity within a 5 km radius of every Calgarian as part of the Council-approved Inclusive Play Spaces Implementation Plan
Playground locations were chosen based on meeting the following requirements:
- existing playground onsite enabling easier development;
- site large enough to accommodate the larger format of an inclusive playground;
- access to either a parking lot, accessible street parking or close to major transit routes;
- preferably near a public washroom and; the route/pathway to the site is accessible.
See what feedback the public provided in our What We Heard Report at the Inclusive Playgrounds Engage portal.
What is an inclusive playground?
Playgrounds are public spaces that enable children to come together, learn from each other and build relationships. Inclusive playgrounds are meant to be engaging, fun spaces where everyone can play regardless of their abilities. These playgrounds challenge the most active children while also providing enclosed areas for quiet and creative play. Some have unique features like braille directional signage for those who are blind or partially sighted and accessible sway rides and swings. The equipment is easy to approach and use by children and caregivers with mobility devices and incorporates communication boards to help non-verbal individuals or those with hearing impairments communicate with friends and family.
Many of these playgrounds were fast-tracked due to Alberta Government Municipal Stimulus Program funds.

Many of these playgrounds were built in partnership with Parks Foundation Calgary including: Elliston Playground, Ramsay Playground, Ted Harrison Playground, and Vivo Playground.
For more information about these projects, please visit Parks Foundation Calgary.