Clearwater Park development
Currently in Clearwater Park, we are constructing a dry pond that will receive stormwater runoff from the Highway 8, and help mitigate downstream flooding on the Elbow River by holding peak storm flows and releasing the stormwater more gradually. The pond will also be equipped with a remotely controlled gate shut-off that will enable the pond to hold water in the event of dangerous goods spill. This will protect, not only the river, but also the drinking water of citizens, as the Elbow River flows into Glenmore Reservoir which provides us with clean drinking water.
This project is financed by Alberta Transportation as compensation for the Elbow Valley Constructed Wetland, which was lost during the construction of the Southwest Calgary Ring Road (SWCRR). The pond is being constructed in the open area of the park, allowing the forested area adjacent to the river to remain as it is.
Clearwater Park is located just off West Glenmore Tr. S.W. along the north side of the Elbow River at the city's western limits. The 58 hectares (143 acres) preserves a rare forest ecosystem on the mid-reaches of a glacier-fed mountain stream. Low-impact recreational activities such as nature appreciation, walking, and camping will complement the park's natural theme.