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14 Street S.W. Reconstruction - Anderson Road to Canyon Meadows Drive S.W.

Project update - June 2024

Project progress

The following construction activities have been completed:

  • Enmax’s relocation and removal of the existing overhead power line on the west side of 14 Street S.W.
  • Conoco’s removal of the existing pipeline
  • Utilities installation on 14 Street S.W.
  • Removal of the existing road
  • Earthworks
  • Completion of concrete repairs to Canyon Meadows Drive (Canso Crescent to Macleod Trail)

Construction update

A full closure of 14 Street, from Anderson Road to Canyon Meadows Drive, will be in place for the remainder of June. The intended re-opening date will be extended to the second week of July to accommodate construction delays due to bad weather in May and recent water restrictions.

We will continue working on reconstruction of 14 Street S.W., including:

  • Subgrade preparation
  • Concrete work
  • Asphalt placement for the new lanes on 14 Street
  • Relocation of the intersection and access to Canyon Meadows Golf Course entrance
  • Installation of streetlighting system

A detour route will be maintained along Elbow Drive S.W. Construction and detour signage will be posted on-site to help direct traffic.

Starting mid-June, resurfacing work consisting of milling the existing surface and paving, is scheduled to begin on Canyon Meadows Drive, between Canso Crescent and Macleod Trail. This work will be completed at night, (approximately 9 p.m. – 5 a.m.), and is expected to be completed by Wednesday, June 26. Access to adjoining communities and Canyon Meadows Golf and Country Club will be maintained throughout construction.

Project overview

As part of a continuing program of major road restoration, The City is planning to complete road reconstruction on 14 Street S.W. from Anderson Road to Canyon Meadows Drive S.W.

There will be no changes to the number of lanes on the roadway as part of the current reconstruction project. A design will be completed for a potential future upgrade of this section of 14 Street S.W. from a two-lane road to a four-lane parkway, which may be warranted in the long-term.

By including the future four-lane road in the current design, The City is minimizing or eliminating potential throw-away costs.

A new pathway will be constructed along the east side of 14 Street S.W. and will be connected to the east to an existing pedestrian overpass on Anderson Road. Building this new pathway follows Council’s guiding principles and aligns with providing accessibility, mobility choices and connections for pedestrians and cyclists.

These upgrades will bring the design of the road up to modern standards, enhance safety and improve traffic flow, while improving connections for pedestrians and cyclists. 

Click to enlarge image

new pathway added map
Click to enlarge image

Project details

The project will include:

  • Pavement reconstruction and realignment of existing traffic lanes
  • Relocation of intersection/access into the Canyon Meadows Golf Course
  • Installation of a new stormwater system
  • Utility relocations
  • Streetlighting and landscaping
  • Addition of a new walking and wheeling connection along the east side of 14 Street S.W. from Canyon Meadows Dr. to Anderson Rd. with a connection along the south side of Anderson Rd. to the existing overpass at Dr. E.P. Scarlett High School.

A noise study has also been completed; based on the findings of this study, sound walls will not be installed as part of the current reconstruction project.

Project background

14 Street S.W. is a popular, high-use corridor which extends from north to south Calgary, connecting to important routes and destinations throughout the city. On the south end, the segment from Anderson Road to Canyon Meadows Drive S.W. is a two-lane rural road in need of rehabilitation.

The proposed reconstruction project would enhance safety and provide a more comfortable experience for all modes of travel, while helping to ensure the roadway remains in good condition for years to come.


  • Finalize design: Early summer 2023
  • Construction start: Fall 2023
  • Construction completion: Fall 2024

Construction activities are dependent on several factors. Timelines could change due to inclement weather, underground conditions and/or other unexpected circumstances.

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  • 14 St. S.W. Reconstruction $9 million
  • Canyon Meadows Dr. Resurfacing $1.5 million

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This information has no legal status and cannot be used as an official interpretation of the various bylaws, codes and regulations currently in effect. The City of Calgary accepts no responsibility to persons relying solely on this information. Web pages are updated periodically. ​
