Alert | State of Local Emergency in Effect

Effective July 2, indoor water-saving measures have eased. Outdoor Water Restrictions and fire ban remain in place. The city remains in a State of Local Emergency.

Water Saving Tips, FAQs, more information

Calgary Transportation Plan (CTP)

Calgary Transportation Plan

The Calgary Transportation Plan is a long-range plan that provides policy direction for how we will deliver transportation options to Calgarians for the next 60 years.

Our transportation system must provide realistic choices for transportation that are convenient, affordable and attractive. This includes walking, wheeling, taking transit, carpooling and driving a single-occupant vehicle.

By planning for the future, The City can:

  • Continue to improve our service in existing, new and developing communities.
  • Help the movement of people and goods throughout the city.
  • Enhance Calgarians' safety on roads.
  • Strive to make walking, wheeling and public transit a better option for more Calgarians.
  • Address future transportation technologies. 
  • Encourage the reduction of greenhouse gases created by vehicles.

For guidance on how to apply the Municipal Development Plan or Calgary Transportation Plan please consult the Guide to the Municipal Development Plan and the Calgary Transportation Plan. Its purpose is to ensure a consistent understanding and application of key components of the Plans, as implementation is carried out across various planning processes and applications.

The origins of the Calgary Transportation Plan

The process to create the Calgary Transportation Plan started in 2005 when over 18,000 Calgarians participated in imagineCALGARY to create a shared vision for our city. The result was the imagineCALGARY Plan.

In 2007, Council asked The City to create integrated plans for the future of transportation and land use. The City then engaged over 6,000 Calgarians to shape the vision for these plans. The goal was to set out a long-term direction for sustainable growth that would accommodate another 1.3 million people over the next 60 years. The process was grounded in smart growth principles and Council's sustainability principles for land use and mobility.

During the engagement process, Calgarians spoke of the need for a more sustainable city that provides a high quality of life, high-quality living environments and convenient ways to travel.

The Municipal Development Plan (MDP)Community Guidebooks  and the Calgary Transportation Plan form an integrated land use and mobility plan that guides our current decision-making. Council approved the original plans on September 28, 2009 with an update in 2020.

The 2020 CTP

Decisions made using these plans shape how we develop Calgary’s land and the way that people move in our city.

Our city has grown and changed since the MDP and CTP were developed and approved. In 2019 and 2020, we undertook the Next 20 project. Through it, we reviewed the MDP and CTP to determine what was working well and contributing to the quality of life that many Calgarians enjoy. It identified the policies that needed to be updated or changed to continue making Calgary a place where people can make a great life and a great living. This work resulted in the 2020 MDP and CTP that were approved by Council in February 2021.

As part of this work, the CTP is now Volume 3 within the MDP.

Revisions to the content of the CTP incorporated:

  • City policies and strategies approved since 2009.
  • Community member feedback and ideas.
  • Climate change mitigation and adaptation, including a policy requiring all vehicles in Calgary be zero-emission by 2050.
  • Future transportation technologies  - policies to help ready Calgary for autonomous vehicles and other technologies.
  • Changes addressing Provincially mandated growth boards.
  • Updated language and grammar.

CTP explained

To learn more about the Calgary Transportation Plan, view the videos below. Please note, the content of these videos is based on the 2009 Calgary Transportation Plan. The content does not reflect the changes that were made to the CTP in 2020.

This information has no legal status and cannot be used as an official interpretation of the various bylaws, codes and regulations currently in effect. The City of Calgary accepts no responsibility to persons relying solely on this information. Web pages are updated periodically. ​
