Speed Cushion and Speed Hump Pilot

The City of Calgary installs various traffic calming measures to reduce speeds and improve safety for all road users. Speed cushions and speed humps are raised speed reduction measures that can be effective when appropriate and aim to reduce vehicle speeds to 30-40 km/h. Speed cushions are segmented and placed on busier streets to reduce impacts on transit and emergency vehicles. Speed humps are continuous across the road and are more appropriate on lower volume residential streets.

Speed Cushions

Photos courtesy of Traffic Logix

Speed Humps

In 2024, we are initiating a pilot deployment of temporary (rubber) speed cushions and humps. Findings from this pilot will be used to guide future decisions about establishing an ongoing program and help us learn more about the feasibility, cost, and benefit of an ongoing speed hump program in the local context. Maintenance requirements and durability will also be evaluated.

Pilot locations

Locations for this pilot were selected based on collision, speed characteristics and previous requests for traffic calming.

Please note that images shown are preliminary and may not represent actual location of speed cushions or speed humps.


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Project timeline

  • Spring 2024: Site selection, design, and pre-installation data collection.
  • Summer 2024: Install speed cushions and speed humps.
  • Fall 2024 - Winter 2025: Post installation data collection and evaluation.

Provide your feedback

Contact us by filling out the online service request below or call 311 for assistance.

We are not considering other locations at this time; however, we will receive concerns for potential review in the future pending results of this pilot.

Frequently asked questions

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