311 Calgary mobile app
Download: iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad - Android - Other
Terms of use
The City of Calgary has mobilized its service requests. We expanded our 311 services through 311 Calgary mobile app. With the App, you can connect with The City anytime, anywhere.
Using the 311 Calgary mobile app to submit a service request is fast and easy. With the 311 Calgary mobile app, you:
- have the option to attach a photo to your request;
- can use your smartphone's GPS function to allow the App to detect your location, or if you are reporting an issue from a different location, tap and drag the pin to the right location; and,
- have the ability to track the status of your request using the auto generated service request (SR) number.
With 311 Calgary mobile app, citizens like you and City employees can work together in keeping Calgary at its best. The information and photo you provide allow City employees to assess, prioritize and efficiently respond to citizens’ requests.

How to submit a service request
311 Calgary mobile app is your on-the-go connection to City services.
Over the last few years, The City has been working to make sure City services and government information are easily accessible to the public and information can be accessed in various channels. After all, informed, involved and engaged citizens lead to a partnership between The City and citizens. Ultimately this leads to better governance and long term solutions for a better Calgary.
The 311 Calgary mobile app also furthers City initiatives including, but not limited to
- Transforming Government
- eGovernment strategy
The Calgary 311 mobile app was launched on May 7, 2013 by Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Demong and GM Transportation Mac Logan providing Calgarians with another option to connect with The City.