Alert | State of Local Emergency in Effect

Effective July 2, indoor water-saving measures have eased. Outdoor Water Restrictions and fire ban remain in place. The city remains in a State of Local Emergency.

Water Saving Tips, FAQs, more information

Whistle-blower Program: report concerns

​​​ Calgary skyline

Allegations of waste, wrongdoing, or matters of public concern may be made by any contractor, supplier, or member of the public who has knowledge of City of Calgary employee or operational activities considered to be dishonest, unethical, wasteful, improper, a matter of public concern or illegal.

If your concern is about the Mayor, members of Council or Council staff, contact
the Integrity and Ethics Office.

Learn more about what to report?

Learn more about confidentiality and reporter protection​.

Reporting methods

Online: Independent service provider provides secure and anonymous online reporting​.

​​​​​Report online​​​

Email: Email Whistle-blower Program

Phone: 403-268-3282

Whistle-blower Program
City Auditor's Office, Mail Code #8005
The City of Calgary
P.O. Box 2100, Station M
Calgary, AB  T2P 2M5
