Alert | State of Local Emergency in Effect

Effective July 2, indoor water-saving measures have eased. Outdoor Water Restrictions and fire ban remain in place. The city remains in a State of Local Emergency.

Water Saving Tips, FAQs, more information

Pathways snow clearing

​Of the over 1000 km of city-wide pathways, The City has approval to clear snow from approximately 500 km. Approved pathways are cleared within 24 hours of a snowfall ending.

We also manage the clearing of sidewalks bordering City parks and other City properties within 24 hours of a snowfall ending. Sidewalks bordering private property are to be cleared by the owner/occupant of the adjacent property.

Pathways, Bikeways and Walkways cleared of snow

View the pathways, bikeways and walkways map​ for the areas cleared. Call 311, or submit an online request if a section of pathway and sidewalk isn’t clear after 24 hours of snowfall if on an existing clearing route, or to be reviewed for clearing. 

Pathways and sidewalks in East Village, St. Patrick's Island and along the Riverwalk are cleared by the Calgary Municipal Land Corporation. Please submit clearing requests to CMLC directly by email or by calling 403-718-0300.

How we decide which pathways to clear

The following criteria is used to determine which pathways are cleared of snow:

  • The number of people using the pathway in winter
  • The amount of risk in using and clearing the pathway; e.g. areas that are steep and/or tend to ice up
  • Proximity to LRT stations, schools, business districts or recreation centres
  • Connections to cycle tracks or bike lanes

Some sections of pathway, due to slope steepness or site conditions, aren't suitable for winter use due to safety concerns for users and the crews who maintain them. Citizens are discouraged from clearing pathways that are steep and unsafe for snow removal, and may become icy during melt/freeze conditions.

Reporting concerns

Snow clearing maps

The Snow and Ice Control tab in the Pathways and Bikeways map identifies which pathways and sidewalks are cleared of snow.

Pathway closures

Clearing sidewalks next to bikeways

Winter cycling

Plan for winter cycling with these tips.

Winter walking safety tips

Avoid slips and falls with these winter walking safety tips.

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