Alert | State of Local Emergency in Effect

Effective July 2, indoor water-saving measures have eased. Outdoor Water Restrictions and fire ban remain in place. The city remains in a State of Local Emergency.

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Ward 14 - Peter Demong

Cut Red Tape



In 2010, Council created a Cut Red Tape program to reduce red tape at City Hall. The program asked Calgarians to share their experiences working with The City of Calgary and suggest ideas for how things could be improved. As Chairman of the Cut Red Tape Committee, I want to thank everyone who submitted their cut red tape ideas.

The Cut Red Tape sought input from three stakeholder groups:

  • Phase I focused on soliciting City of Calgary employees to identify red tape in their business unit and their proposed solutions to address the problems they identified.
  • Phase II asked Calgary business people to describe the #1 challenge they have faced regarding red tape when doing business with The City and provide a solution. An advisory group comprised of organizations representing the business community reviewed these ideas.
  • Phase III asked the General Public to share their red tape experiences and solutions - suggest ways to reduce non-essential procedures, forms, licenses and regulations at The City of Calgary. Over the next two months, every idea shared will be reviewed.

We've received around 600 potentially employable ideas for the Cut Red Tape program. Many have already been implemented.

I realize that this message will find you after your opportunity to participate in the Cut Red Tape program has passed, but want to assure you that your input is always welcome. It is my job to come up with ideas to make The City of Calgary run more efficiently and I am always on the lookout for suggestions from constituents. You can contact me through the feedback form​ on my website.

Your ideas are important; your suggestions are needed and appreciated! Once again, thanks to everyone who submitted their cut red tape ideas and to everyone else who has given their ideas in other ways.​


Categories: Motions and Initiatives
