Alert | State of Local Emergency in Effect

Effective July 2, indoor water-saving measures have eased. Outdoor Water Restrictions and fire ban remain in place. The city remains in a State of Local Emergency.

Water Saving Tips, FAQs, more information

Ward 14 - Peter Demong

About Councillor Peter Demong

Ward 14 Peter Demong

With 18 years as a business owner, and 25 years in the field of Logistics Management under his belt, Peter Demong brings a successful business background to Calgary City Council. Alongside his entrepreneurial spirit, Peter contributes the ability to manage budgets, and understand the needs of small and large businesses alike. His significant experience speaks to his practical views on civic matters, his knack for effective management, and his commitment to fiscal responsibility.

Peter‘s passions are encouraging citizen engagement, and supporting hard-working community volunteers. Peter has served the citizens of Ward 14 for the past nine years bringing dedication and common sense to the many committees he sits on. Peter holds the Institute of Corporate Directors Director designation, and has particpated in Alberta Municipalities for many years

He has lived in Lake Bonavista, Queensland, Deer Run, Midnapore, and currently lives with his wife and family in Legacy. He and his wife owned and operated Deer Valley Florist in Deer Ridge from 1996 to 2015.

Boards and committees


  • Infrastructure and Planning Committee
  • Intergovernmental Affairs Committee
  • Foothills County & Calgary Intermunicipal Committee - Co-Chair
  • Alberta Urban Municipalities Association 
    • Executive Committee - Vice President
    • Sustainability and Environment Committee



Term in office


2010-2025 - First elected for Ward 14 in October of 2010, Peter Demong is presently serving his fourth term as City Councillor.​
