Ask the Code - Cannabis edition
Looking for limits
Dear Code of Conduct, I occasionally use cannabis and want to make sure that I am still deemed fit for work. Does The City have a set amount of time between when I’ve smoked and when I am fit report to work?
Concerned coworker
Dear Code of Conduct, I am concerned about one of my coworkers: he smells of cannabis, his eyes are red and he is yawning all the time. He operates safety sensitive equipment. Am I obligated to do or say anything?
Office toker
Dear Code of Conduct, I work at a desk all day and am not in a safety sensitive role, so after legalization I will be able to use cannabis during my work day (at lunch or on breaks), right?
Drug testing
Dear Code of Conduct, Now that cannabis is legal are you going to do random drug testing?
Questioning limits
Dear Code of Conduct, I’ve heard that there isn’t any legal impairment level for cannabis, so how can you say that I am under the influence?
Candy Highs
Dear Code of Conduct, I understand that edible cannabis products are legal in Canada as of October 17, 2019. If I use them on my personal time, would The City have any issues with this relevant to its Substance Use Policy?
Guilty by roommate
Dear Code of Conduct, I don’t use cannabis but my roommate smokes it a lot. What if my hair or clothing smells of cannabis when I’m at work?
Dear Code of Conduct, I used cannabis late last night to help me sleep. Am I safe to be at work?
Medical consumer
Dear Code of Conduct, I have been authorized by my doctor to use cannabis for medicinal reasons. I’m a bit embarrassed to talk about this. Do I need to declare this to my supervisor?