Alert | State of Local Emergency in Effect

Effective July 2, indoor water-saving measures have eased. Outdoor Water Restrictions and fire ban remain in place. The city remains in a State of Local Emergency.

Water Saving Tips, FAQs, more information

This timeframe shows activities associated with new BIA requests.

Note: This information has no legal status and cannot be used as an official interpretation of the regulations currently in effect. For detailed information, consult the Business Improvement Area Regulation - AR 03.2016.

​Annual timeframe ​Activity
​Year round

​Interested business community members can contact The City of Calgary BIA staff or call 311 to understand what a BIA is and the establishment process for a BIA. Interested business community members form a committee to establish a BIA called the Establishment Committee.​

​Prior to January 15 ​Establishment Committee informs City of Calgary BIA staff of desire to submit a request to establish a BIA. Establishment Committee provides a written description and map of proposed geographic boundary of BIA to City of Calgary BIA staff.
​Prior to the end of March ​Establishing Committee may wish to have their establishment request package reviewed by the BIA staff before submission to City Clerks.
​By last business day in March Establishing Committee to submit the establishment request package and signature pages to City Clerks to get date stamped and to the City of Calgary's BIA staff on the last business day of March. Signature pages must be signed by persons who would be taxpayers in the proposed BIA area and represent at least 25 per cent of the businesses in the proposed BIA area. ​
​By April 30 (or within 30 days of receving a request)

​​City of Calgary to verify signatures. After signature verification:

  • If the 25 per cent threshold is met, The City of Calgary will mailout a notice of request to all potential taxpayers in the proposed BIA area.
  • If the 25 per cent threshold is not met the process is stopped.
Between April 30 and June 30

If you would be a taxpayer if a proposed area is established, you may petition objecting the establishment of the BIA. Please contact the city for further details at or 311 for further details including timelines and thresholds.

​By June 30 (or 60 days after the notice of request was issued) If, at the end of the 60 day period for the submission of a petition objecting to the establishment of a BIA in the requested area, there is not a valid petition submitted, then the request can proceed.
​July and August ​Preparation of a Council report by City Administration. Continued engagement activities by the Establishing Committee with businesses who would be taxpayers if a BIA is established.

​Present a report to Council for approval. Interim BIA Board is appointed by Council if the BIA establishment is approved by Council. Following approval of Council, the BIA is to hold an annual general meeting to elect the board and approve the annual BIA budget. Each BIA is established by its own bylaw. The bylaw defines the physical boundary of the BIA, the BIA's name, purpose of the BIA, and confirms the number of directors on the board, how long they can serve, and how roles on the board are filled. Under the MGA, all board members are appointed by Council.

​December The BIA Board is appointed through the BIA Board Membership Report approved by Council.
​January Approval of BIA budget through the BIA Budgets and Enabling Bylaws report. First annual BIA cheque is sent to the BIA Board of Directors by The City of Calgary.

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