Alert | State of Local Emergency in Effect

Effective July 2, indoor water-saving measures have eased. Outdoor Water Restrictions and fire ban remain in place. The city remains in a State of Local Emergency.

Water Saving Tips, FAQs, more information

BTIPP - Non-payment and service charges

BTIPP non-payment penalties

If a Business Tax Instalment Payment Plan (BTIPP) payment is missed, The City of Calgary may cancel the agreement, making all unpaid Business Improvement Area (BIA) tax due immediately and subject to non-payment penalties, in accordance with the Business Improvement Area (BIA) Tax Bylaw. To request the balance owing, contact Tax.​

BTIPP service charges

If your bank does not honour your BTIPP instalment, a service charge of $35 will be added to your account.

If you are paying more than one business identifier (BID) with a single monthly bank withdrawal and your payment is not honoured by your bank, an additional service charge of $10 will be added to each BID tax account affected by the non-payment.

Service charges are subject to change.

BTIPP returned payment – making up a missed instalment

Any instalment returned by your bank, plus any applicable service charge(s) must be made up to ensure your participation in the plan is not cancelled by The City of Calgary. Replacing a payment before it becomes dishonoured will not stop the next monthly BTIPP instalment from being withdrawn or prevent service fees.

BTIPP returned payments, like all BIA tax ​payments, can be made through banks and financial institutions (ATM, in person, internet or phone banking) by selecting payee: “Calgary (City Of) Business Tax.” For more information, see BIA tax payment.

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