Alert | State of Local Emergency in Effect

Effective July 2, indoor water-saving measures have eased. Outdoor Water Restrictions and fire ban remain in place. The city remains in a State of Local Emergency.

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Infrastructure Status Report

Asset Management Infrastructure Status Report 2020

The Infrastructure Status Report (ISR) provides information on the status of City-owned assets and identifies short and long-term infrastructure risks.

The City’s infrastructure portfolio enables The City to deliver valuable services to Calgarians. This includes machinery & equipment, buildings, bridges, facilities, roads, parks, water infrastructure and more. 

The 2020 ISR reports on The City’s infrastructure as of January 1, 2020 and sets out to answer the following key questions related to asset management:

  1.  What do we own?
  2.  What is it worth?
  3.  What condition is it in?
  4.  What is the infrastructure funding gap?
  5.  What services are the assets and their funding linked to? 

Information used in this report was collected from 11 business units as well as Calgary Police Service, Calgary Parking and Calgary Public Library. Collectively, these areas steward 99 per cent of The City’s assets. In the 2020 ISR, The City’s infrastructure information has been aligned with our service lines.

Infrastructure Status Report highlights

Overall, the majority of The City’s infrastructure is in good condition, is safe, and serves Calgarians well.

  • Infrastructure Gap

    The City has an estimated $7.73 billion infrastructure gap, which represents the value of our unfunded infrastructure investment needs over the next 10 years.

  • Infrastructure value

    The City’s infrastructure portfolio is valued at $93.91 billion (excludes City-owned land holdings). This is an increase from $84.7 billion in 2017.

  • Asset condition

    In comparison to 2017:

    - assets in good or very good condition are down from 88 percent to 79 percent;

    - assets in fair condition are up from 9.7 percent to 11 percent; and,

    - assets in poor or very poor condition are up from 2.3 percent to 7 percent.
