Alert | State of Local Emergency in Effect

Effective July 2, indoor water-saving measures have eased. Outdoor Water Restrictions and fire ban remain in place. The city remains in a State of Local Emergency.

Water Saving Tips, FAQs, more information

Access & Inclusion information – Recreation

An active, creative and vibrant Calgary where everyone is welcomed, involved, active and connected.

The City of Calgary, Recreation believes that participation in recreation is important throughout an individual’s lifespan, regardless of ability. The City of Calgary provides inclusive and affordable opportunities in all areas of Calgary. Programs range from arts, culture, dance, fitness and sport, to day camps, playschool and certifications. Programs aimed at the introductory and entry skill level are designed to be accessible to all.

Did You Know...
Wildflower Arts Centre has a wheelchair accessible pottery wheel that is mobile and adaptable – the height adjusts to the needs of each person and can be used with a wheelchair or while standing up.

Commitment to Inclusion

People with disabilities are encouraged to participate in any of our recreation programs, at a level suitable to their ability and program choice. Please disclose your disability during registration – staff need to know your needs in order to work together to meet them.

The following policies, procedures & practices support our commitment to inclusion.

With the diverse nature of participants with disabilities in recreation programs, staff are encouraged to follow the Steps to Inclusion; a recipe of inclusive recreation programming practices to facilitate participation of people with disabilities. We believe inclusion is a process and thus these questions guide staff through the steps of planning ahead to implement an inclusive, participatory program.  

Support Worker/Aide Policy waives the admission fee for a Support Worker who is directly supporting people with disabilities to participate in recreation programs and services.

It is the responsibility of the participant to arrange for and provide their own Support Worker; if needed. Although there are no admission or registration fees for Support Workers to attend programs with a paying customer, there are expectations for Support Workers / Aides.

The City of Calgary is creating a more liveable and accessible city. Over time, existing Recreation facilities undergoing revitalization projects will improve access in accordance with The Access Design Standards (ADS) 2010; a mandatory standard for any City owned and operated property.

To know whether your access needs will be met before you go, visit our Recreation facility accessibility page to read about the current barrier-free information on the parking, entrance, signage, washrooms and interior building elements.

Adapted Recreation Discovery Guide is a publication that promotes disability agencies and organizations throughout Calgary which provide recreation/leisure programs. It is produced in partnership with Calgary Adapted Hub Powered by JumpStart with the principle that people with disabilities should have equitable opportunities to participate in activities of their choice; with a focus on inclusion in the community.

Fee Assistance offers low income Calgarians subsidized access to recreation activities.
