2024 Downtown Vibrancy Fund

2024 Downtown Vibrancy Fund

Calling all visionaries, creators and champions! We are proud to launch this new funding program designed to empower people and organizations. This fund supports creating engaging, unique and meaningful experiences for Calgarians in the heart of our city. 

Photo credit: @motherpixels

About the fund

The 2024 Downtown Vibrancy Fund welcomes applications from individuals, groups, and organizations who are passionate about making a difference in the Greater Downtown.

Eligible applicants can apply for funding between $20,000 and $250,000 for projects that may include, but are not limited to:

  • New amenities, such as seasonal pop-up stages or sports courts on public land
  • Programming, such as annual cultural celebrations or free add-on programming to festivals
  • Place-based activations, such as interactive structures or artistic installations
  • Capacity-building actions, such as educational speaker series or training related to placemaking

Apply today

We are excited to see the innovative ideas and projects that will emerge from the 2024 Downtown Vibrancy Fund!

Frequently asked questions

Why is it important to have a vibrant downtown?

Downtown is the economic and cultural heart of Calgary. It’s our central hub for business, innovation and creativity. What happens downtown has a direct impact on all Calgarians. Calgary needs a strong core to:

  • Grow our economy
  • Create jobs, and 
  • Fund the City services we rely on every day. 

What are the Greater Downtown boundaries?

Projects eligible for funding must be within the Greater Downtown Plan boundary, as shown on the map below. Projects in the Downtown Core or Downtown West are encouraged and will be prioritized.

Map of Greater Downtown Calgary, including the Beltline, East Village, Chinatown, Eau Claire and Downtown West communities

Who is eligible to apply for the 2024 Downtown Vibrancy Fund?

Eligible applicants include:

  • Not-for-profit organization in good financial standing
  • Academic institutions and researchers
  • Neighbourhood groups with a proven track record of delivering successful projects
  • Individuals with proven experience in placemaking and with a public portfolio (e.g., registered architects, landscape architects, engineers, artists, etc.)
  • Private landowners in the greater downtown
  • Business owners in the greater downtown
  • Government or public entity

What are the timelines?

Applications for 2024 will be accepted until October 27, 2024 at 11:59 pm MDT. Projects granted funding in this cycle must be completed by March 31, 2025. 

How are projects chosen to receive funding?

All applications will undergo a consistent review process. Proposals will be screened by our Downtown Strategy team. Other experts, including external community interest groups, may be consulted as needed.

Applications will be assessed in the following areas:

  • Application is received by the deadline with all fields complete.
  • Applicants meet eligibility requirements.
  • Proposals align with the criteria of this fund, including eligible expenses.
  • Proposal satisfies the evaluation criteria as determined by the Downtown Strategy team. See Appendix A in the application guidelines for the Evaluation Matrix.

Can a project receive funding from multiple sources?

Yes. Priority will be given to projects that leverage additional funding sources and partnerships.

I’ve submitted my application, what happens next?

Congratulations and thank you for applying!

Applicants will be notified on the outcome of their proposal within 60 days of submission. The Downtown Strategy team will try to review applications by the requested date for projects with shorter timelines. All applications will be screened for eligibility and evaluated by our Downtown Strategy team, along with other experts as needed.

Applicants may also be asked to submit additional documents or answer follow up questions to support the review and decision process.

Successful applicants will be required to execute a funding agreement with the City of Calgary.

How much funding can you apply for?

Funding will be allocated to a maximum of $250,000 per project. 

I have a question, who do I contact?

Please email your questions to downtownstrategy@calgary.ca.

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