Rezoning for Housing

Calgary needs more homes. Citywide rezoning will help increase supply.

Zoning changes now in effect include:

  • R-CG as the citywide base low density residential zone.
  • R-G as the base low density residential zone in developing areas.
  • H-GO in areas identified in approved Local Area Plans.

Other land use bylaw changes include:

  • All Rowhouse developments are now a discretionary use in R-CG.
  • Contextual Single Detached dwelling is a permitted use in R-CG.
  • Properties that do not have a Rowhouse or a Townhouse may now have both a backyard suite and a secondary suite.
  • Increasing parking requirements in some areas and clarified where the requirement is reduced to 0.5 stalls when near transit stations.


What is rezoning?

Whether it’s residential, mixed-use, industrial, or commercial, every property is zoned to indicate what kind of development is allowed to be built on the property. Rezoning happens when a property owner wishes to develop something besides what is currently allowed under the existing zoning. 

What we are doing

We are taking action to address the housing crisis. The goal is to increase the supply of housing to help improve affordability and meet demand.

We are implementing five actions outlined in the Home is Here: The City of Calgary’s Housing Strategy 2024-2030 (approved by Council in September 2023):

  1. Rezone to a new base residential district (zone), Residential – Grade-Oriented (R-CG) or Residential – Low-Density Mixed Housing (R-G) to allow for a greater variety of housing options.
  2. Rezone to Housing – Grade-Oriented (H-GO) in approved Local Area Plans where appropriate.
  3. Allow both a secondary suite and a backyard suite on the same property.
  4. Remove parking requirements for backyard suites.
  5. Add Contextual Single-Detached Dwelling to R-CG, to ensure development rights are maintained.


Council’s decision on Rezoning for Housing

On May 14, 2024, City Council voted to approve citywide rezoning with amendments. Read the minutes from the Council meeting here.

View video and presentations from the
April 22 - May 14 meeting here.


Administration presented to the Calgary Planning Commission on March 7, 2024. The report, attachments (7.2.4, LOC2024-0017) and recorded meeting are available online.

The What We Heard report for our information and education activities is now complete. Click the links to view the report, as well as the verbatim comments we received.

This information has no legal status and cannot be used as an official interpretation of the various bylaws, codes and regulations currently in effect. The City of Calgary accepts no responsibility to persons relying solely on this information. Web pages are updated periodically. ​
