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Neighbourhood Streets - Dover

Project update – February 2023

The Government of Canada has generously provided $1.3 million in funding through their Active Transportation Fund for Phase 2 improvements in the Dover Neighbourhood Streets project. This means that we will be able to move forward with additional improvements to the community that extend beyond the 34 Avenue improvements.

Overall, more of Dover’s streets will become increasingly accessible to people of all ages and abilities, whether they walk or wheel. These improvements will help safely connect residents to the Bow River pathway, shops, schools and more.

We are in the design process for additional corridors in Dover that will be upgraded using the funding from the Government of Canada, and we are using feedback that we received from residents in 2021 to help guide these decisions. We are aiming to have a plan finalized within the next few months and have construction for Phase 2 begin this summer.

Phase 1 construction update – 34 Ave. S.E.: to be completed Spring 2023

We completed most of phase 1 construction in 2022. Due to the extreme cold in November/December, our contractor will be returning in the spring to complete:

  • The median extension at the 36 St. S.E. intersection.
  • The pathway connection on the east side of 36 St. S.E. (The existing sidewalk being replaced by the new pathway will be removed as part of this work.)
  • Minor landscaping.

We are working on bikeway and naturalization area signage.

Detailed design and construction

Click image to enlarge

Thank you to everyone who provided input on our proposed design concepts. Due to general support of this project and time constraints with federal and municipal funding, the improvements will be phased:

  • Phase 1 construction: To be completed Spring 2023

    Will repurpose the space on the north side for the new wheeling lanes, using a combination of permanent materials (e.g. poured concrete curbs) and lower-cost, interim materials (e.g. low-profile temporary/interim barriers).

  • Phase 2 construction: funded; to begin Spring 2023

    Phase 2 includes more walking and wheeling improvements and traffic calming along 36 St. S.E., 28 St. S.E., Gosling Way S.E. and Dover Ridge Dr. S.E. The design process is being initiated and will incorporate feedback from Phase 1 engagement on initial concepts for these corridors. Designs will be shared with the community when ready.

  • Phase 3 construction: unfunded; to begin 2024

    Phase 3 will add permanent materials (eg. curb and gutter) to replace the temporary/interim materials, such as the low profile barriers, used in Phase 1 on 34 Avenue. New boulevard spaces will replace the additional unused asphalt from former vehicle/auto travel lanes.

Construction impacts

During construction, there will be temporary sidewalk/roadway closures, noise, dust and construction equipment in the area. We know that construction can be disruptive, and our goal is to minimize impacts as best that we can. We will do most of our work during the day, to avoid noise impacts into the night as much as possible, and we will provide access detours, local access, or temporary ramp access for areas that are intermittently closed for construction, wherever possible.

We appreciate your patience while crews are working in your area.

Phase 1: 34 Avenue S.E. improvements

We repurposed the north side of the corridor for new two-way wheeling lanes and enhanced median and boulevard spaces. Vehicle traffic will shift to the south side of the corridor into one lane of traffic in each direction, plus turning lanes at 26 Street and 36 Street S.E.

  • Having the two-way wheeling lanes on the north side avoids conflicts with the driveways at the commercial centre at the southeast corner of 28 Street S.E. and 34 Avenue S.E.
  • Existing sidewalks on the north and south sides of the corridor will remain. 

West Corridor

West end of 34 Avenue S.E. (26 Street S.E. and Gosling Way S.E. area)

Click image to enlarge

For Phase 1, at the west end, west of 26 Street S.E., the wheeling lanes transition to on-street bike ramps along the Deerfoot Bridge and Gosling Way S.E.

  • Pedestrians will continue to use a multi-use pathway and sidewalk along the Deerfoot Bridge and portion of Gosling Way to access the Southview off-leash area.


26a Street, 28 Street and 33 Street intersections

Click image to enlarge

In Phase 1, intersections at 26a Street, 28 Street, and 33 Street will be reconfigured using a mix of permanent and lower-cost interim materials.

  • Interim materials, such as low-profile curbs, will be used to meet the current budget.
  • New dashed crosswalk lines will be installed.
  • New tactile warning strips will be installed at corners, to guide people with vision disabilities to the existing sidewalk.

East Corridor

East end of 34 Avenue S.E. (36 Street S.E. intersection)

Click image to enlarge

For Phase 1, at the east end of the corridor, the chain link fence will be removed to improve visibility and aesthetics. At the intersection of 36 Street S.E., the intersection will be fully reconstructed with channelized right turns and a new east-west crosswalk on the north side of the intersection.

  • Signals at this location will be installed in Phase 3.
  • A new multi-use pathway will allow for connections to Dovercliffe Way and Dover Meadow Close S.E.

Local artists bring vibrancy to 34 Avenue S.E.

The City collaborated with the Beltline Neighbourhood Association’s Beltline Urban Murals Project (BUMP) to bring art to the Dover community. A diverse group of six local artists painted 66 concrete barriers that have been installed temporarily at 26A Street, 28 Street, and 33 Street S.E.

Each artist is taking a section of barriers to tell a unique story. These barriers should add moments of delight, reflection, and vibrancy to the area.

Once we complete construction these barriers will be moved to other areas of the city and replaced with permanent concrete curbs.


The existing median and new planted areas will be naturalized. Naturalization is the process of reintroducing native plant species (grasses and flowers) to an area that may have had them removed.

Why are we naturalizing spaces along the roadway?

Naturalized spaces have a greater ability to respond to extreme weather and climate change, lower maintenance costs and create habitats for urban wildlife.

Naturalization brings beauty to our urban environment, creating new spaces for citizens to connect with nature. Naturalization projects have successfully occurred across the city along several corridors, including Canyon Meadows Drive, Memorial Drive, and 16 Avenue N.E.

Example of naturalization at Canyon Meadows Drive Bee Boulevard

Example of naturalization at 16 Avenue N.E.

Project background

As part of the Neighbourhood Streets Program, The City is working with the Dover community to improve streets in your neighbourhood and create an inclusive, safe mobile network for all community residents. We are enhancing spaces so they can be used by everyone – whether you drive, walk, scoot or wheel through the area.

This project includes:

  • Creating a walking, cycling, and wheeling connection through the community of Dover.
  • Addressing speeding and design issues on 34 Avenue S.E.
  • Providing important connections to existing pathways and bikeways.
  • Installing missing sidewalks.
  • Providing connections to schools and parks.
  • Providing connections to destinations outside of the community, including the Bow River Pathway system and the neighbouring communities of Southview, Erinwoods and Forest Lawn.

Project history

Round 1 Public Engagement: Identification – Completed April 2021

  • During the first phase of engagement, we gathered feedback by asking what is working well and what is challenging for those travelling through and living in the community.
  • The What We Heard report from Round 1 Public Engagement is now available for viewing.

Round 2 Public Engagement: Prioritization – Completed September 2021

  • Based on opportunities identified in Phase 1 and those previously identified by the project team, we presented concept designs, working with the community to identify preferred concepts and gather feedback on how concepts could be improved.

The key takeaways were:

  • Deerfoot Bridge / Gosling Way S.E. - Concept 1 was preferred by most. This option includes a multi-use pathway while maintaining two lanes for traffic for most of Gosling Way, with the exception of the Western Irrigation District canal bridge.
  • 34 Avenue S.E. - Concept 2 was preferred by most. This option repurposes the north side for wheeling and open space.
  • 28 Street S.E. - this concept for traffic calming was generally well supported. We heard about the need to minimize on street parking impacts wherever possible.
  • 36 Street S.E. - the concept for a multi-use pathway was well supported. We heard request for improvements, such as additional street trees.
  • Dover Ridge Drive / Dovercliffe Way S.E. - we heard a lack of support for diagonal diverter but general support for other traffic calming measures such as curb extensions.

The What We Heard Report from Round 2 Public Engagement is now available.

Due to general support of this project and time constraints with coordinated funding (federal, municipal and provincial), no additional public engagement will be conducted on this project. 

Addressing what we heard

The following summarizes the range of input we received, grouping feedback into thematic areas, and how the project team is addressing the feedback into the design of the permanent measures:

Comment theme: concerns about traffic flow along Deerfoot Bridge / Gosling Way S.E.

The project team has looked at traffic volumes counts along Gosling Way S.E. and the volumes are generally low. The project team will investigate ways to maintain as much two-way traffic flow as possible, recognizing that building a separated bicycle/pedestrian facility along the canal bridge will reduce auto lanes to a single lane, and traffic lights will be required to safely alternate traffic across. With more narrow auto lane widths along Gosling Way to accommodate a multi-use pathway within the existing right-of-way, the speed may be further reduced to 40 km/hr or even 30 km/hr.

Comment theme: concerns about impacts to bus stops along 34 Avenue S.E.

All bus stops will be maintained with the changes to 34 Avenue S.E. eastbound bus stops will likely all remain in the same locations. Provisions for westbound bus stops will be made, despite no westbound bus service today.

Comment theme: concerns about spending money on 34 Avenue S.E. design and construction when there are more urgent concerns in the community

Mobility funding is available to this project and can only be spent on mobility improvements in the community. We recognize that this project may not address all community needs; however, increasing transportation safety and choice is a fundamental City objective included in Council priorities and approved plans and policies.

Comment theme: requests for improving wayfinding signage for cyclists

A wayfinding and signage plan will be developed in parallel with detailed designs. Wayfinding includes signage indicating corridors as a bicycle route, using the standard blue and white bicycle signs.

Additional forms of wayfinding may include directional pavement markings or sharrows, as pictured below.

Bike route sign

Example of a bike route sign


Example of sharrows painted on the travel lane (19 St S.W. south of 5 Ave)

Bike stencil on pathway

Example of a directional bike stencil on a section of pathway (Bowness Road at Home Road N.W.)

Comment theme: concerns about on-street parking loss around Valleyview Park near the intersection of 28 Street S.E. near 30 Avenue S.E.

The project team will look to minimize impacts to on-street parking wherever possible. The beach volleyball courts in Valleyview Park bring in numerous visitors in the warmer months for league activities and tournaments and the project team has spoken with the Calgary Beach Volleyball Association (CBVA). CBVA recognizes the benefits of safety and connectivity improvements to the 28 Street corridor and the trade off with some on-street parking impacts. They have confirmed there is overflow parking available at underutilized adjacent parking lots along 28 Street and 30 Avenue S.E.

Comment theme: concerns about narrowing streets like 28 Street and Dover Ridge Drive

Along corridors like 28 Street S.E., most people are traveling above the posted speed limit of 40 km/hr. Recognizing that there are vulnerable populations, such as seniors and school children, living and traveling to destinations along the corridor, narrowing the street can reduce vehicle speeds while maintaining travel in both directions, as well as most on-street parking. Curb extensions at corners help increase pedestrian visibility and comfort, and reduce the distance across vehicle travel lanes, where pedestrians are most exposed.

Comment theme: concerns raised about the impacts of diagonal diverter to bus routes and east-west traffic looking to connect between west and east Dover

The diagonal diverters were proposed to address cut-through traffic. The trade-off was having to reroute local trips and bus service. Understanding that the impact to local travel and bus service may be too great, the project team will be looking for other traffic tools instead of the diverters.

Comment theme: concerns raised that the 36 Street multi-use pathway does not offer opportunities to connect across 36 Street and is missing connection on north end to existing cycling routes.

Phase 1 construction will include a new crosswalk at 34 Avenue S.E. across 36 Street S.E. As part of Phase 2, a traffic signal will be installed at 34 Avenue at 36 Street S.E.

The project team is investigating extending the 36 Street S.E. multi-use pathway up to 26 Avenue S.E., which is an existing signed bikeway and provides improved multi-modal connectivity to schools and businesses at the 26 Avenue intersection.

Project timeline

  • April 2021: Public engagement on travelling and living in the community
  • August 2021: Public engagement on proposed design concepts
  • Late spring/early summer 2022: Finalized detailed design for 34 Avenue S.E.
  • Fall 2022 – Spring 2023: Phase 1 construction (34 Avenue S.E.)
  • Spring 2023:  Finish phase 1 construction & finalize phase 2 design
  • Summer 2023 – Fall 2024: Phase 2 construction
  • Spring – Fall 2024+: Phase 3 construction (currently unfunded)

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To learn more about the project or give feedback, please contact 311 or email the project team.

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