Research and Engagement Library
The City invests in research and engagement activities each year to understand the needs and expectations of Calgarians. Retaining and sharing this information across departments, with Council and with citizens is a key initiative and supports The City of Calgary’s focus on citizen centricity and transforming government.
Search tips
- Use the fewest words possible and avoid helper words such as where, or why.
- Use words most likely to appear in the report title you're looking for. For example, to look at a report in the Perspectives on Calgary series, use the phrase Perspectives on Calgary.
- Use the year of the report you are looking for (if you know it). The Corporate Research Team (CRT) conducts a lot of annual research so knowing the year will help you narrow your search field. For example, search 2023 Perspectives on Calgary to pull up all the reports from 2023.
- Choose descriptive words to narrow down your topic. A term like Water Services will bring up every report CRT has completed with a section or question on water services; whereas, if you wanted to look for a specific type of water report search for a specific topic like water services customer research.
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