Facilities plan and budget


Buildings are necessary to deliver services to citizens. Facilities stewards a diverse portfolio of 549 facilities totaling 4.7 million sq.ft and with a current replacement value of $2.7 billion. Through professional facility management services, we create and enable positive experiences for staff to deliver effective and quality services to citizens. Facilities' coordinates the facility and site needs to accommodate people, vehicles and equipment and provides the operations, maintenance and sustainment for these facilities and sites. Facilities' portfolio increased over 500 per cent as a result of consolidation of facility stewardship and will continue to grow through 2026.

Our customers

  • Council
  • Executive Leadership Team
  • Service Owners and the public who access services within our facilities
  • Private/non-profit organizations (indirectly)
  • Businesses (indirectly)
  • Other levels of government (indirectly)
  • Community associations (indirectly)
  • Civic partners (indirectly)

Our partners

  • City Council, Executive Leadership, and Service Owners
  • Third-party tenants, consultants, contractors, vendors, other orders of government and municipalities
  • Considers opportunities to work with the private sector, non- profit agencies, external organizations and other levels of government for optimal service delivery

Value to Calgarians

  • provides professional expertise and customer service to service owners of complex facilities.
  • enable owners of complex facilities to focus on service delivery to citizens.
  • provide access to safe, accessible, service-oriented facilities to staff, citizens and community groups, with optimized staff productivity.
  • preserve, conserve and protect heritage assets on behalf of the Corporation.

What we deliver

  • City facilities to enable service owners to deliver efficient and quality services to Calgarians.

Budget breakdown

service plan budget (as adjusted on Nov. 22, 2023)

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service plan budget (as adjusted on Nov. 22, 2023) chart

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Operating ($millions)
Capital ($millions)
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service plan budget (as adjusted on Nov. 22, 2023)
Service line Breakdown
Facility Management

Operating and capital budgets explained

The budgets you see here are expenditures net of recoveries. 

The City develops two budgets to create impact aligned with Council’s Strategic Direction:

  • The four-year (2023-2026) operating plans and budgets
  • The five-year (2023-2027+) capital plans and budgets

The operating budget includes revenues, recoveries and spending related to ongoing operations. These include:

  • Salaries, wages and benefits.
  • Day to day programs, maintenance and services.
  • Administration costs (e.g., insurance).
  • Fuel
  • Utilities
  • Capital financing costs.

The City's total net operating budget is zero. This means we budget to collect the revenue needed to deliver services to Calgarians — no more, no less. We collect this revenue through property taxes and other sources. 

The capital budget pays for long-lived assets. These provide the foundation for the services Calgarians rely on. They include:

  • Maintenance of current infrastructure (e.g., bridges, buildings and playgrounds).
  • Upgrades to existing community infrastructure.
  • New infrastructure to provide services in areas that are underserved (e.g., Green Line).
  • New infrastructure for growing areas of the city.

Learn more about our 2023-2026 Service Plans and Budgets.

See how the budget has been adjusted since November 2022

Service line budget adjustments

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Service line budget adjustments chart

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Service line budget adjustments
Operating Budget
Capital Budget

Get a complete breakdown of how your property tax dollars are used.

Measuring performance

We are measuring our performance in five areas. Each value is the goal we expect to reach by 2026. 

Facilities Age Based Deferred Maintenance

Proportion of work orders that are preventative maintenance

Facilities assets in poor and critical condition

Hybrid workspace for key downtown Administrative Buildings

Energy consumption for office and recreation portfolios

View our yearly performance progress.

What we've heard

The 2021 Facilities Customer Engagement survey indicated 89 per cent of customers were satisfied with Facilities services overall. High ratings were received in safety (89 per cent), expertise (89 per cent) and assurance (88 per cent). Quality (85 per cent) and availability (85 per cent) also received high ratings for satisfaction. Customers identified opportunities for improvement in communications and understanding customers’ needs. The customer survey ranked responsiveness, workplace safety and the delivery of quality professional management services as most important to our customers.  Facilities will continue to identify and implement opportunities for improved customer experience under the Facilities Customer Service Framework.

Participate and view results of City research

What we're watching

  • Facilities continues to monitor and address ongoing and emerging risks and trends that impact facilities and service delivery.  
  • With a portfolio of facilities categorized as critical to fair, Facilities is prioritizing investments to protect its aging building infrastructure while meeting climate and energy efficiency requirements. 
  • Post COVID has presented Facilities an opportunity to explore a hybrid workplace, review the increasing reliance on flexible office space and the divestment of its portfolio as the workforce becomes more distributed. 
  • An emerging trend is the increasing number of employees departing the organization. Shifting demographics and workstyles make recruiting and retaining the best possible workforce increasingly complex and challenging. 
  • Supply chain delays, labor shortages and the rise of inflation may impact construction project delivery in terms of costs, timelines and quality. Facilities is addressing this trend by taking a proactive approach in procurement, sourcing locally and project timing.

Our initiatives

What we plan to do

Enable the delivery of services through operations, maintenance and sustainment of City facilities. We will do this with a focus on the evolving needs of our workplace, an investment in safety and critical building systems, preventative maintenance, and reducing the climate footprint of our building portfolio

How we're going to get there

  • Enable the delivery of all City services to Calgarians by operating, maintaining and sustaining 549 City facilities, which will increase to approximately 1000 with the completion of the Corporate Coordinated Operations & Maintenance (CCOM) implementation.
  • Improve the utilization of existing facilities and reduce the corporate facility footprint, reducing overall climate impact by responding to evolving corporate needs and post-pandemic workplace requirements through the development of a robust corporate accommodation strategy for workstyles and distributed workplaces.
  • Complete Corporate Coordinated Operations and Maintenance (CCOM) mandate by finalizing the transfer of remaining facility service and buildings to Facilities.
  • Generate long-term corporate gains through a mix of process harmonization, cost and procurement efficiencies, economies of scale, risk management, and investments that optimize value for money to achieve the long-term benefits from the Corporate Coordinated Operations & Maintenance (CCOM) transfers.
  • Reduce Facilities' environmental footprint by implementing practices, systems and technologies within facilities in alignment with the Climate Strategy and the Corporate Greenhouse Gas and Energy Plan to meet climate change goals and targets.

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