Taxi, Limousine & Vehicles-for-Hire plan and budget
Taxi, Limousine & Vehicles-for-Hire regulates drivers, vehicles, brokerages and transportation network companies operating in the livery industry under the Livery Transport Bylaw. This service ensures that all drivers have the right qualifications and proper, mechanically-inspected vehicles so passengers have safe rides.
Community peace officers provide education and promote compliance with drivers by assessing complaints and seeking resolutions that create a fair and safe environment for drivers and passengers.
Our customers
- Livery industry service providers seeking fair, transparent and consistent regulation
- Passengers requiring a safe and accessible ride to their destination
- Calgarians reporting a concern.
Our partners
- Internal lines of service, including: Public Transit and Calgary Police Service.
- The Government of Alberta
- The Department of Transportation
- Carrier Services
- Service Alberta
Value to Calgarians
- ensures that all Calgarians have timely and reliable access to safe, quality and economical livery services.
- ensures that Calgarians’ experiences are consistent across all providers by setting conditions and responsibilities for the livery industry and its associates.
- ensures that accessible transportation options are available to Calgarians that are convenient, affordable and efficient.
What we deliver
- Assurance of public safety, consumer protection and accessible service qualit
- Offer timely issuance of licences for livery service providers
- Access to consistent information ensures that passengers can have safe rides.
- Prompt resolution of inquiries by community peace officers who seek to promote compliance with the Livery Transport Bylaw.
Budget breakdown
Operating and capital budgets explained
The budgets you see here are expenditures net of recoveries.
The City develops two budgets to create impact aligned with Council’s Strategic Direction:
- The four-year (2023-2026) operating plans and budgets
- The five-year (2023-2027+) capital plans and budgets
The operating budget includes revenues, recoveries and spending related to ongoing operations. These include:
- Salaries, wages and benefits.
- Day to day programs, maintenance and services.
- Administration costs (e.g., insurance).
- Fuel
- Utilities
- Capital financing costs.
The City's total net operating budget is zero. This means we budget to collect the revenue needed to deliver services to Calgarians — no more, no less. We collect this revenue through property taxes and other sources.
The capital budget pays for long-lived assets. These provide the foundation for the services Calgarians rely on. They include:
- Maintenance of current infrastructure (e.g., bridges, buildings and playgrounds).
- Upgrades to existing community infrastructure.
- New infrastructure to provide services in areas that are underserved (e.g., Green Line).
- New infrastructure for growing areas of the city.
Learn more about our 2023-2026 Service Plans and Budgets.
See how the budget has been adjusted since November 2022
Measuring performance
We are measuring our performance in five areas. Each value is the goal we expect to reach by 2026.

What we've heard
Our strategic actions are informed by ongoing citizen and stakeholder engagement. Calgarians identified quality of licensing services and legislative compliance as key service values, followed by fairness and responsiveness. Taxi, Limousine and Vehicles-for-Hire continues to meet Calgarians' service expectations:
- 87 per cent overall satisfaction with Taxi, Limousine and Vehicles-for-re services in the 2021 Spring Pulse Survey report.
- 99 per cent of customer wait times at the Livery Transport service licensing counter are less than 15 minutes.
- 100 per cent of livery related complaints were resolved on time.
What we're watching
- Taxi, Limousine and Vehicles-for-Hire will continue to evolve to meet the needs of customers. Calgary’s demographics are becoming more diverse and complex, and we will adapt to meet demand for safe, reliable and accessible livery and ride-sharing services.
- We anticipate demand for service to increase following two-years of disruption caused by COVID-19.
- Technological advancement presents new opportunities for customers to access public vehicles and we are committed to enforce the Livery Transport Bylaw in the interest of public safety.
- We seek opportunities to leverage technology to improve access to virtual services that benefit our customers and service providers.
- As new vehicle offerings emerge, including electric and autonomous fleets, we will be proactive in our approach to enable and regulate service.
- Understanding that inflationary pressures impact operating costs for drivers, we will routinely evaluate regulated meter-rates to ensure consistent availability of service.

Our initiatives
What we plan to do
We will leverage technology and innovation to modernize service and respond to the evolving needs of industry participants and our customers. Proactive engagement will identify opportunities to meet service demand, support the livery industry and promote public safety.
How we're going to get there
- Offer fair and equitable livery options for all Calgarians and industry participants by monitoring the effectiveness of the Livery Transport Bylaw.
- Foster positive relationships with livery industry participants and partners by prioritizing routine engagement that will inform a proactive response to emerging trends.
- Optimize customer services for industry participants and new market entrants by leveraging technology to improve access to virtual licensing platforms.
- Meet the evolving needs of the livery industry by maintaining routine reviews of driver training programs, focused on passengers with disabilities, cultural diversity, and Anti-Racism while aligning with enabling partners and corporate standards.
- Satisfy demand for livery services and respond to feedback from industry partners and participants by monitoring the supply and allotment of taxi plate licences.