YardSmart - Rain barrels
Capturing and using rainwater for your yard
Make every drop count: Collect and use rainwater
Using a rain barrel is a great way to capture and reuse rainwater in your yard. Capturing rainwater helps to reduce the amount of rainwater runoff entering the stormwater system and flowing into our creeks and rivers.
Using captured rainwater on your plants before reaching for the garden hose can help you reduce the amount of city water you are charged for during the summer.
Please note: Collected rainwater is not potable, which means you shouldn't drink it. There also may be risks associated with using it on food crops.
If you choose to use rainwater on your food crops, follow the precautions below.
New rebate for 2025
Green Calgary rain barrels cost $75 + GST each after the $50 rebate for a limited time during the spring season.
How the rebate works
Calgarians purchasing rain barrels from Green Calgary, or a local vendor in Calgary can submit an application form with original receipts for up to two rain barrels per household and receive $50 per barrel.
Eligible purchases are those made after March 31, 2025. The program can rebate a maximum of 3,000 rain barrels.

Where to purchase a rain barrel
1. Purchase a rain barrel from Green Calgary
Please note: There is a limited supply of rain barrels available through Green Calgary and getting a barrel is not guaranteed.
Pre-order information
When you pre-order your barrel, you can pick it up from any of the locations listed below from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m:
- April 19 - IKEA (8000 11 Street S.E.)
- May 3 – Dalhousie Co-Op (5505 Shaganappi Trail N.W.)
- June 7 - Genesis Centre (7555 Falconridge Boulevard NE #10)
- June 14 - Calgary Horticultural Society (2725 33 Avenue S.W.)
2. Purchase from a local store
Rain barrels may also be found at local garden and home centres. We recommend calling ahead to any local garden or home centres to confirm availability.
Frequently asked questions
Who will be eligible?
All Calgarians can apply for the rebate after purchasing their rain barrel. Eligible purchases are those made after March 31, 2025, with original receipts from vendors in Calgary.
How do Calgarians apply for the rebate?
Applicants will be required to submit an application form and the original receipt for their purchase.
When will the rebate be available?
The rebate program will start receiving applications April 1. Once the program is fully allocated it will be closed until further notice.
How will applicants receive their rebate?
Rebates for applications may take two to four weeks to be processed from the date of submission.
Successful applicants will receive their rebate by cheque through the mail or e-transfer.
Is there a limit to the number of rain barrels rebated per homeowner?
Calgarians can submit an application and original receipts for a maximum of 2 rain barrels per household and receive $50/barrel back.
Can I buy a rain barrel in another city and apply for the rebate in Calgary?
Why is The City of Calgary providing this rebate?
Outdoor water use in Calgary communities increases in the summer months.
Capturing rainwater can help Calgarians, and our community build resiliency during times of hot and dry weather while keeping yards and gardens healthy.
Rain barrels also help keep water on your property, so less dirt and contaminants wash into the rivers.
This rebate aims to make rain barrels more affordable for Calgarians.
Do Calgarians need to apply for the rebate if they purchase a rain barrel through Green Calgary?
Calgarians who purchase a rain barrel from Green Calgary will be charged the full price of $125 for the barrel but will be eligible to apply for the $50 rebate. After the rebate, Green Calgary rain barrels will cost $75 + GST.
Why do those who purchase a Green Calgary rain barrel need to apply for the rebate?
The City and Green Calgary are working to expand Calgarians’ options for rain barrels. This year, anyone who purchases a rain barrel in Calgary after March 31st will be eligible to apply for the $50 rebate. This includes rain barrels purchased through Green Calgary.
The benefits of using a rain barrel
Water use can increase significantly in the summer months due to outdoor watering. Capturing rainwater can help Calgarians and our community build resiliency during times of hot and dry weather while keeping yards and gardens healthy.
Rain barrels typically fill up after a single rainfall and help keep water on your property, so less dirt and contaminants wash into the rivers.
Join the thousands of Calgarians who are using water wisely by installing rain barrels for outdoor watering. By incorporating a rain barrel into your outdoor routine, you're not only benefiting your yard but also contributing to a greener Calgary.
Setting up your rain barrel
Please read the installation instructions carefully and refer to the barrel manufacturer or retailer for support. You can set up one rain barrel, or multiple rain barrels - each attached to a downspout or connected in series.
Ensure your rain barrel is on a stable and wide surface to prevent it from being pulled or knocked over. And, for safety's sake, ensure your barrel has a secure cover.
Make sure the overflow drain pipe or your downspout is set at least 1.5 metres (five feet) away from your house.
For more information about setting up and maintaining your rain barrels.
Additional resources
Seasonal rain barrel maintenance
When cold weather arrives, here are a few quick actions to keep your barrel from cracking:
- Completely drain your barrel of water.
- Remove and store taps and place barrel upside down in a protected area away from strong winds.
- Always remember to reconnect your downspout. If you have a diverter attached to the downspout, remember to winterize it as well. Check with the manufacturer for specific instructions.
Risks of using collected rainwater
Rain barrels collect water that runs off a large surface, such as a rooftop. Every catchment area is unique and therefore the quality of water collected by rain barrels is unpredictable and could change each time a barrel is filled.
The primary risks associated with roof-top collected rainwater are bacterial pathogens, mostly those transmitted by birds and small mammals.
The pathogens most carried by these types of animals are Campylobacter and Salmonella. These two pathogens are the most common cause of foodborne illness and have often been detected in studies looking at the water quality of rooftop collected rainwater.
If an individual chooses to use collected rainwater for food crops at their own risk extra precautions can include:
- Use a drip irrigation system or hand water the plant roots with a watering can. This is called ‘base of plant’ watering and will help to prevent possible contamination of above-ground fruits and vegetables.
- Wash all fruits and vegetables to remove as much contamination as possible.

Green Calgary’s rain barrel program is sponsored by: