Social Procurement

Our Social Procurement program uses our buying power to benefit the economy and community. We keep price and quality as our top considerations.

Social Procurement at The City

Social Procurement is when we purchase purposefully to contribute to:

  • social equity
  • economic resilience
  • social and economic reconciliation with Indigenous people and
  • growing a green economy.

We have integrated Social Procurement into our regular procurement practices. The Social Procurement questionnaire helps us make it easier for everyone to take part in The City's procurement process.

How the Social Procurement questionnaire can help potential suppliers


It reduces barriers and increases access to City contracts.

Small and medium-sized businesses get a competitive advantage. This is especially true for businesses owned by underrepresented groups such as:

  • Women
  • Indigenous Peoples*
  • LGBTQ2S+ 
  • Diverse Racialized groups
  • Newcomers

*The Indigenous Procurement Program is the current initiative of the Social Procurement Program. Learn more at


It gives points to businesses that show they use Social Procurement practices during evaluations.

For example:

  • Points are awarded to businesses that support climate and environmental actions.
  • We reward suppliers who create opportunities for underrepresented groups. We also recognize their efforts.


It sets out The City’s social expectations to all potential suppliers.

We recognize leaders who protect workers' welfare and the environment while staying competitive in the market.

  • Indigenous Procurement

    The Indigenous Procurement Program is the current initiative of the Social Procurement Program.

The Social Procurement questionnaire

Submit your Social Procurement questionnaire on SAP Ariba. For instructions on how to access the questionnaire, see our how-to guide.

The Social Procurement questionnaire is linked to your SAP Ariba profile. Suppliers should review and update their profiles regularly. When you submit a bid, you'll be asked if you've completed the Social Procurement questionnaire. If you answer 'No,' the system will automatically send it to you for review.

To support our goal of building inclusive, resilient and sustainable trade within our supply chain, we include the Social Procurement questionnaire for all purchases of goods and services over $75,000. This also applies to construction projects over $200,000, where Trade Agreements apply. It has a minimum five percent weighting in the evaluation.

Additional measures

To counteract the impact of U.S. tariffs and increase our support of local businesses, we're adding the below enhancements to our procurement practices effective March 31, 2025. 

Procurement Action

Goods or materials
(Large, competitive procurements over $75K)

The Social Procurement Questionnaire weighting will be increased to 10%. This is up from the current range of five to 10%. 

Services, including consulting and construction 
(Large, competitive procurements over $200K)

Where possible, the Social Procurement Questionnaire weighting will be increased to 10%. The range will stay within the five to 10% range and we will review service procurements on a case-by-case basis.

Small, under-threshold purchases (under $75K for goods and services and under $200K for construction)

We will try to get all three quotes from local suppliers, where possible. When not possible, we will try to prioritize Canadian suppliers.

We will revisit these procurement enhancements once we feel comfortable the tariff situation is behind us.

Updates to the questionnaire

Starting January 2025, all suppliers must resubmit the new version 2.1 of the Social Procurement questionnaire. All previous submissions and scores will be archived and won't be used for current or future evaluations. The questionnaire is now also part of construction Request for Quotes (RFQs).

What has changed with the questionnaire?
The questions are the same, but the format and scoring are now more user-friendly and efficient. You will receive a notification in your Ariba supplier account with the new questionnaire.

Can I see my old questionnaire?
The old questionnaire has been archived but can be accessed through your SAP profile. You can download attachments from your old questionnaire.

What if I'm interested in bidding on a procurement that's closing in January 2025?
If you haven’t filled in the new questionnaire, the buyer will send it to you via SAP Ariba. You must submit it before the closing date to have your score included in the evaluation. If you don’t submit it on time, you will get a 0 for that part of the evaluation. Previous scores will not be used.

Can a supplier improve its score?
The questionnaire is scored automatically by the system in a fair and objective way. If a supplier updates its practices, it can change its questionnaire response. The system will then adjust the score for the updated areas and keep a history of past results.

Preview the questionnaire

If a business meets the price and quality requirements, it can earn extra points through the questionnaire. These extra points could provide the edge to win a competitive bid.

2.0 Economic Category

2.1 Type and Size of Your Business

Please select the category that best describes your business.

  • Not-for-Profit (e.g., a charity) 
  • A small for-profit company (1 to 99 employees) 
  • A medium-sized for-profit company (100 to 499 employees) 
  • A large for-profit company (500 or more employees)

2.2 Certification of Ownership by an Underrepresented Member of the Community

Reference guide (for context): Governments represent and address the needs, wants, and aspirations of everyone within their jurisdiction. The objective of inclusive trade is to ensure that all segments of society can take advantage of opportunities that flow from trade. For The City, this means removing barriers and leveraging procurement opportunities for companies owned by women, Indigenous persons, LGBTQ2S+, Newcomer, persons with disabilities, or persons from diverse Racialized groups. 

Question: Does your company have a third-party certification to show ownership from an underrepresented group?

  • No
  • Yes

2.3 Work experiences, internships, and apprenticeships

Reference guide (for context): Hands-on opportunities in a company for individuals develops not only key transferable skills necessary for the workplace, but also a network of industry and professional contacts. Hands-on opportunities develop and strengthen both an individual and the workforce.

Question: Does your organization currently provide work experience, internship, or apprenticeship opportunities longer than 2 weeks? If yes, what percentage of the work experience, internship, or apprenticeship programs offered are paid?o

  • Yes-FULLY PAID 100%
  • Yes-UNPAID 0%
  • No

2.4 Living wage Employer

Reference guide (for context): Living wage is defined as the hourly wage a worker needs to earn to cover their basic expenses and maintain a modest standard of living in their community. This includes costs such as housing, food, transportation, child care, and other essentials. As of 2024, Living Wage Canada lists the Calgary living wage as $24.45 per hour. Living Wage resources for Canada: Living Wage resource for Alberta

Question: Does your company pay a living wage to BOTH all directly employed staff and all contracted staff?

  • No
  • Yes

3.0 Social Category

3.1. Equity - Membership Supporting Outcomes for Underrepresented Group

Reference guide (for context): Diverse and inclusive communities are when all segments of society feel welcome and experience a sense of belonging. When underrepresented groups feel supported to reach their full potential and contribute their unique talents to society, everyone benefits. Society becomes stronger and more resilient. Companies can use their resources and position in society to support underrepresented groups. This support may include undertaking advocacy action (allyship), building alliances, or collaboratively integrating opportunities to reduce barriers in society. One way for companies to action their values and provide legitimacy to underrepresented groups is through memberships.

Question: Does your company have membership(s) to show your advocacy (or support or alliance) for an underrepresented group?

  • No
  • Yes

3.2 Equity: Truth & Reconciliation: Indigenous Policy

Reference guide (for context): Policies are important governance tools in a company, because they are rules setting out expectations for behaviour and decision-making. Policies inform whether a company is operating in a way consistent with its values and goals. Inclusion is about taking action to incorporate all people into community life. The Calls to Action in Canada's Truth and Reconciliation Commission includes Call #92 to business include to provide education for management and staff on the history of Aboriginal peoples, including the history and legacy of residential schools, the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Treaties and Aboriginal rights, Indigenous law, and Aboriginal-Crown relations. This will require skills-based training in intercultural competency, conflict resolution, human rights, and anti-racism.

Question: Does your company have a specific Indigenous policy to support outcomes for Indigenous communities?

  • No
  • Yes

If yes, please provide evidence of your policies or strategies. 

3.3. Social Cohesion: Large or Small Actions to Strengthen the Whole Community - Giving Back to the Community!

Reference guide (for context): The City of Calgary is committed to making life better everyday.

Question: In the last twelve months, has your company taken action to strengthen the quality of life in the community of Calgary, or in the community in which your company primarily operates, through volunteering, sponsorship, outreach, or award sponsorship?

  • No
  • Yes

Please select the type of contribution made and describe the opportunity including the target group(s) and dates(s).

  • Volunteer Opportunities
  • Volunteer Sponsorship
  • Award Sponsorship
  • Community Outreach to Inspire
  • Others Actions to Strengthen the Community

3.4 Social Cohesion - Actions to Strengthen Social Integration or Economic Opportunity for Underrepresented Groups

Reference guide (for context): Greater economic opportunity and integration may be in the form of employment initiatives, outreach in schools; outreach in Newcomer, Indigenous, or other communities; or other employment or mentorship programs that support underrepresented groups in their integration in the workplace or society. Does your company have any programs or initiatives to ensure greater integration into society or economic opportunity for underrepresented groups including Indigenous peoples, women, LGBTQ2S+, persons of diverse Racialized groups, newcomers, refugees, persons with disabilities, youth, veterans, and persons with experiences of living unhoused in the community? 

Question: Has your company taken actions to strengthen social integration or economic opportunity for underrepresented groups?

  • No
  • Yes

Please select the group (choose all that apply) and attach evidence. 

    • Indigenous peoples
    • women
    • LGBTQ2S+
    • diverse Racialized groups
    • newcomers
    • refugees
    • persons with disabilities
    • youth veterans
    • unhoused persons

    4.0 Climate & Environmental Category

    4.1 Climate or Environmental Policy

    Reference guide (for context): The purpose of The City of Calgary is set out in legislation of the Government of Alberta (Municipal Government Act R.S.A. 2000 Chapter M-26). The City’s purpose includes providing "good government and to foster the well-being of the environment".

    The City of Calgary has approved an Environment Strategy and a Climate Strategy which requires commitment not only from our own organization as demonstrated in our Environmental Policy, but depend on the collective contribution by those we interact and do business with in order to achieve results.

    Question: Does your company have a climate or environmental policy? If yes, please provide evidence of your policies or strategies.

    • No
    • Yes

    4.2 Climate or Environmental Targets

    Reference guide (for context): Companies have an important role in addressing the climate and environmental challenges.

    Question: Does your company have climate or environmental targets?

    • No
    • Yes

    Please select the target types and attach evidence that includes the target value.

    • Environmental Target
    • Climate Target
    • Greenhouse Reduction Target
    • Other related-targets

    5.0 Governance Category

    5.1 OH&S - Workplace Safety Management Through Registered or Audited Systems

    Reference guide (for context): People matter. The City of Calgary believes and is committed to health and safety as top priority within The City itself and the companies that do business with The City. Action to health and safety commitments may be through registration with a third-party organization who monitors and validates how well your company is meeting health and safety program standards. Action to health and safety commitments may also be through a nonregistered, audited health and safety system that meets local health and safety requirements.

    Question: Does your company manage workplace health and safety risks through either a registered OH&S management system or a non-registered, audited health and safety management system that meets local health and safety requirements?

    • No
    • Yes

    Please select the occupational health and safety management systems (choose all that apply) and attach evidence.

    • OHASA 18001
    • CAN/CSA Z1000
    • ANSI Z10
    • COR
    • SECOR
    • Non-registered but Audited system  

    5.2 OH&S Respectful Workplace - Commitment to Safe, Respectful Workplace That Includes Psychological Safety

    Reference guide (for context): The City of Calgary is committed to creating a safe, respectful workplace. The City expects the companies it contracts with to also be committed to creating and promoting a safe, respectful workplace that supports employees in their efforts to address all types of harassment and discrimination.*

    *Based on the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Alberta Human Rights Act

    Question: Does your company promote a respectful working environment with formal policies or procedures to address and resolve discrimination and harassment?

    • No
    • Yes

    Indicate Policy (or Procedure) and enter its name before attaching.

    Please select the types of policies or procedures(Choose all the apply) and attach evidence.

    • Corporate Code of Conduct
    • Corporate Code of Ethics
    • Respectful Workplace Policy (includes bullying, discrimination, disrespectful behaviour, and harassment)
    • Other

    5.3 OH&S Mental Health Support - Commitment to Employee Mental Health and Wellness

    Reference guide (for context): Supports for mental health are key to a psychologically safe workplace and demonstrate a holistic commitment to communities, families, and individual persons. An employee with robust mental health supports experiences stronger belonging and inclusion in the workplace.

    Question: What level of benefit coverage does your company currently provide for mental health support, including services from licensed psychologists, psychotherapists, family therapists, counselors, and social workers?

    • UNLIMITED PAID (100%) benefits for mental health coverage
    • PARTIAL benefits for mental health coverage
    • NO BENEFITS PAID (0%) coverage for mental health coverage

    5.4 ETHICS - Safe, Ethical, and Environmentally-Responsible Supply Chains

    Reference guide (for context): Ethics drive decision-making and behaviour in a company. When a company declares its ethics, this complements the law by defining acceptable decisionmaking and behaviours beyond government control. According to the 2018 Global Business Ethics survey, employees are more likely to apply ethical reasoning when their company clearly demonstrates why business ethics are important. Codes of Conduct or Codes of Ethics are key tools to help a company keep a company's commitment to society to act ethically within itself and how it engages with its supply chains.

    Question: Does your company have a policy or code to ensure the companies you use in your supply chain have a safe workplace, that workers are treated with dignity and respect, and those companies operate in environmentally and ethically responsible ways?

    • No
    • Yes

    Please select the policy or procedure(choose all that apply) and attach evidence.

    • Supplier Code of Conduct
    • Supplier Code of Ethics
    • Sustainable Procurement Policy
    • Other Policy or Codes

    5.5 ETHICS - Whistleblower Policy or Procedure

    Reference guide (for context): A confidential, anonymous reporting system that protects the person, who is reporting wrong-doing in a company, is one of the most effective ways to identify and prevent corruption, wrong-doing, and fraud in an organization. Often such confidential, anonymous reporting systems a called Whistleblower Program.

    Question: Does your company have a formal mechanism, or procedure for worker complaints, that ensures the confidentially and protection of works who report suspected violation of ethical conduct, wrong-doing including unsafe work conditions, unfair labour practices, and so on?

    • No
    • Yes

    Please attach supporting documents of your Whistleblower policy or procedure.

    2024 Supplier Symposium

    The City hosted a Supplier Symposium in April 2024. The event connected us with suppliers and industry networks. We shared insights to The City's procurement vision and processes.

    Procurement Transformation and Social Procurement presentation by Chase Smith:

    Related documents

    Contact us

    If you have any questions about Social Procurement, please email
