Alert | State of Local Emergency in Effect

Effective July 2, indoor water-saving measures have eased. Outdoor Water Restrictions and fire ban remain in place. The city remains in a State of Local Emergency.

Water Saving Tips, FAQs, more information

Innovation Through Procurement

What is Innovation Through Procurement?

Innovation Through Procurement contributes to Calgary's economic resilience by working with start-ups and small- and medium-sized businesses with innovative ideas or technology. This is accomplished by allowing companies to have The City as their first customer. This approach builds competitiveness by drawing industry talent to the city, enhancing business support, and creating economic growth and job creation.

The city is also pursuing innovative solutions to specific procurement challenges called challenge statements. Starting in mid-2021, The City of Calgary began using its procurement channels to test new ideas brought forward from citizens and industry.  

The benefit to the Business Community

The City works with industry by providing resources and expertise to co-create, improve, or evaluate proposed solutions that may become part of a more extensive procurement process. We also test solutions to challenge statements. Challenge statements are designed to allow collaboration between The City and industry and may not result in a procurement. 

How can I get Involved?

The City of Calgary’s challenge statements will be posted on The City of Calgary's Ariba Discovery Page / Alberta Purchasing Connection (APC). Potential suppliers will have an equal opportunity to bid on the projects.

The following are examples of Challenge Statement opportunities which have been published and some of which are under review for evaluation by the Business Units.

Previous Challenge Statements

  • Hydrogen Fuel Supply & Dispensing - The City of Calgary investigated the potential to pursue a Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle or Equipment Pilot. The City was interested in piloting a small number of hydrogen powered vehicles or equipment (depended on market availability). The City was seeking information regarding the availability of hydrogen fuel and its supply.
  • Hydrogen Powered Vehicle or Equipment - The City of Calgary investigated the potential to pursue a Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle or Equipment Pilot. The City was interested in piloting a small number of hydrogen powered vehicles or equipment (depended on market availability).
  • 5G Digital playground - The 5G Digital Playground is a testbed environment developed with partners to explore technologies and solutions delivered by fifth-generation wireless networks (5G). The City investigated and tested proof of concept for the problems workers face and new or improved methods for service delivery.
  • Temporary Front Driveway Covers Pilot - The City of Calgary ran a pilot to allow participants to work with contractors to use temporary front driveway covers in certain circumstances.
  • Fleet licensing of equipment - The City of Calgary looked for interested companies to handle the marketing and sales of City-developed products and provide after-sales support and maintenance to third parties.