Sickness and accident (S & A)
Permanent full-time or part-time employees in established positions after completing 90 calendar days of continuous employment as well as limited term or seasonal full-time employees after completing 180 calendar days continuous or cumulative employment.
Coverage ends upon:
- termination of employment
- retirement
- leave of absence
- City paid through payroll
Claims manager - Homewood Health
- adjudication of S&A claims over 5 consecutive working days
- medical case management and facilitation
- 90% base pay to 119 calendar days for illness or injury
- an employee is expected to reside at their normal place of residence while on S&A to be available to participate actively in rehabilitation, alternate work opportunities or medical assessments; absences may be permitted for up to five consecutive calendar days if employee notifies and receives approval from Homewood Health prior to leaving their normal place of residence
- if a claim is denied or terminated, an appeal may be submitted within 30 days of notification
Attending Physician Statement (APS) X427
- An APS X427 is required for absences that is, or is expected to be, greater than 5 consecutive working days
- The APS needs to be completed by you and your medical practitioner and faxed directly by your medical practitioner to Homewood Health at 1-866-460-4645.
Return to Work (RTW) X428
- if you will require medical accommodation to return to work in your position, please contact your RTW co-ordinator or obtain the RTW X428 form.