BIA tax: rate and bill calculation
BIA tax rate calculation
Each Business Improvement Area (BIA)’s Board of Directors establishes a proposed annual budget which is submitted to City Council for approval. Once approved, a BIA tax rate sufficient to meet the budget requirement is established. The BIA tax rate equals the BIA’s annual approved budget amount divided by the total business assessment within the BIA.
BIA tax rate = BIA’s annual approved budget amount ÷ Total business assessment within the BIA
BIA tax bill calculation
BIA tax is levied on any business that occupies space within one of the 15 BIAs within Calgary during the calendar year. Your BIA tax bill equals the assessed value of your business premises multiplied by the BIA tax rate.
BIA tax bill = Assessed value of your business premises × BIA tax rate
The BIA tax rate reflects the amount of tax to be paid for each $1 of assessed value. BIA tax is based on the calendar year January 1 to December 31.
BIA tax bylaws
BIA taxation: 2025 Business Improvement Area Tax Bylaw 6M2025
BIA tax rate: 2025 Business Improvement Area Tax Rates Bylaw 7M2025