Mapping Products & Solutions
The City of Calgary provides extensive Geospatial products and data. Click through each of the following services that we provide, then purchase by clicking on the 'Buy Now' button provided on each of the detail pages.
Featured Products and Solutions

Digital Aerial Survey (DAS) maps illustrate surface features present in an aerial photograph (e.g. buildings, public trees, manholes, etc.) Elevation contour lines generated at 0.5 metre intervals. Features and topography are accurate within 15 centimeters vertically and horizontally. Available for immediate download with digital licensing. DAS maps are sold per map section.
Digital Elevation Models (DEM) consist of point and break line elevation data. Ground surface topography is accurate within 15 centimeters vertically and horizontally. Available for immediate download with digital licensing. DEM maps are sold per map section.
Legal Survey Fabric products provide a complete picture of legal parcel information including tentative, preliminary and registered plans, e.g lot lines, utility rights-of-way, etc. These map products are extracted and converted into various spatial and tabular file formats.
Ownership Parcel Fabric provides a spatial and database representation of the ownership and address information for all registered titled parcels or unregistered (Approved Tentative) parcels within Calgary city limits. Features include parcel shapes, addresses and areas as well as base data such as plan, block and lot numbers and street names.
RoadNet is a single line graphical representation of the City of Calgary's roadways consisting of planned, unbuilt and built driveable surfaces.
Sanitary Utilities Section Maps show the City of Calgary major sanitary sewer infrastructure. The map-based datasets include sanitary mains, manholes, test manholes, etc. While the mains shown are located by line assignments referenced from parcel information, the property line information is not included in the maps.
Storm Utilites Section Maps show the City of Calgary major storm sewer system infrastructure. The map-based datasets include storm mains, manholes, test manholes, etc. While the mains shown are located by line assignments referenced from parcel information, the property line information is not included in the maps.
Water Utilities Section Maps show the City of Calgary major water sewer system infrastructure. The map-based datasets include water mains, manholes, test manholes, etc. While the mains shown are located by line assignments referenced from parcel information, the property line information is not included in the maps.
Other Data Products
The City holds a wide range of current geomatics mapping and other data products originally developed and continually maintained for the purpose of providing municipal services. Visit City Online for a complete list of data available.