Understand Flooding - Flood maps and river flows
January 2024 Update
The Government of Alberta has released draft updated Flood Hazard Area maps for communities across the province, including Calgary, that reflect the latest understanding of flood risk.
The maps include a new approach for flood hazard area mapping, dividing the flood hazard area into four categories that reflect the level of risk.
Now through February 12, 2024, the province is seeking public input on the updated Flood Hazard Area maps. Visit Bow and Elbow River flood study for more information about the draft map for Calgary and the province’s public engagement process.
Until the Flood Hazard Area maps are finalized by the Government of Alberta and City of Calgary policies and bylaws have been updated, development applications will continue to be assessed according to existing flood maps and regulations. The City will continue to share the best available flood risk information with development applicants and others, as we have since 2013.
To learn more about how the updated provincial mapping will impact our community, visit the Calgary River Valleys Project.
We can’t prevent flooding entirely, but we can be prepared for when it happens. One of the best ways to be flood-ready is to know your flood risk.
Find out if you are at risk for flooding
Learn more about how flooding happens in Calgary, including types of flooding, highest risk seasons, causes and impacts to our city.
Current flood status
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Calgary Flood Maps and River Flows
View our flood maps and river flow data to see if your property is at risk of flooding.
Our maps portal also includes access to other flood data including:
- Flood hazard maps for land use planning
- Inundation maps for various sized floods
- Hydraulic models and hydrology assessments